Available downloads SEND personal budget fact sheets Application for personal assistantFile type: PDFSize: 40.43 KBDownload Special Education Needs and Disabillity definitions and terminologyFile type: PDFSize: 114.91 KBDownload Who might get a personal budget?File type: PDFSize: 82.94 KBDownload What is a personal budget?File type: PDFSize: 87.73 KBDownload How can I get a personal budget?File type: PDFSize: 685.87 KBDownload What is a Resource Allocation System (RAS)?File type: PDFSize: 568.49 KBDownload Planning for a Personal BudgetFile type: PDFSize: 849.74 KBDownload How will the Personal Budget be received?File type: PDFSize: 232.94 KBDownload Responsibilities and money managementFile type: PDFSize: 207.66 KBDownload Becoming an employerFile type: PDFSize: 204.87 KBDownload How people are using their money?File type: PDFSize: 197.5 KBDownload Personal budget process and timescaleFile type: PDFSize: 47.39 KBDownload What are direct payments?File type: DOCXSize: 14.4 KBDownload What is a support broker?File type: PDFSize: 59.09 KBDownload Guide to prepaid cards with individual budgetsFile type: PDFSize: 379.85 KBDownload Supporting children and families to achieve their outcomes - Social care Resource Allocation SystemFile type: PDFSize: 451.16 KBDownload Support and aspiration - Introducing personal budgetsFile type: PDFSize: 3.21 MBDownload Sample job descriptionFile type: PDFSize: 381.77 KBDownload Sample contract of employmentFile type: PDFSize: 80.15 KBDownload SEND Guidance: Graduated ResponseFile type: PDFSize: 1.4 MBDownload SEND Guidance: EHC Needs AssessmentFile type: PDFSize: 375.6 KBDownload SEND Guidance: Requesting an EHC Needs AssessmentFile type: PDFSize: 361.26 KBDownload SEND Guidance: Person Centred Planning ToolkitFile type: PDFSize: 5.95 MBDownload Easy guide to social care personal budget processFile type: DOCSize: 1.97 MBDownload Personal budgets timescale process flowchartFile type: DOCSize: 37.5 KBDownload The EHCP Education Settings HandbookFile type: PDFSize: 1.49 MBDownload G4 Standardised SEN Support Plan Oldham V1File type: DOCXSize: 111.35 KBDownload New workflow and application processFile type: DOCXSize: 28.25 KBDownload G1 Oldham guidelines checklist and referral form for EHCP Guidelines for needs assessmentFile type: DOCXSize: 101.49 KBDownload G3 Criteria for education settings to commence a statutory assessment of SENDFile type: DOCXSize: 91.3 KBDownload Short breaks consultation report Short breaks consultation response File type: PDFSize: 133.56 KBDownload Independent consultation for short breaks and social care personal budgets reportFile type: PDFSize: 596.57 KBDownload SEND Local Offer downloads Leaflets, information and advice sheets Barrier Breakers Referral FormFile type: DOCSize: 113.5 KBDownload Sensory and physical support service referral formFile type: DOCXSize: 166.64 KBDownload Youth in Mind - Top Tips for keeping healthyFile type: PDFSize: 221.83 KBDownload Youth in Mind - Useful Apps and WebsitesFile type: PDFSize: 164.73 KBDownload Youth in Mind - Organisations supportFile type: PDFSize: 127.19 KBDownload Autism: the positivesFile type: PDFSize: 152.07 KBDownload Designing for accessibility guidesFile type: PDFSize: 1.17 MBDownload Autistic spectrum accessibility guideFile type: PDFSize: 128.72 KBDownload Screen readers accessibility guideFile type: PDFSize: 112.37 KBDownload Low vision accessibility guideFile type: PDFSize: 127.47 KBDownload Dyslexia accessibility guideFile type: PDFSize: 124.18 KBDownload Physical or motor disabilities accessibility guideFile type: PDFSize: 168.54 KBDownload Deaf or heard of hearing accessibility guideFile type: PDFSize: 125.54 KBDownload Anxiety accessibility guideFile type: PDFSize: 531.88 KBDownload RTWC - How it works?File type: PDFSize: 304.38 KBDownload RTWC - FAQsFile type: PDFSize: 147.17 KBDownload RTWC Information Sheet - Easy ReadFile type: PDFSize: 446.25 KBDownload DfE November 2019 SEND NewsletterFile type: PDFSize: 808.35 KBDownload Jargon busterFile type: PDFSize: 199.38 KBDownload Accessibility Translation Tools GuideFile type: PDFSize: 132.64 KBDownload Job titles explainedFile type: PDFSize: 40.95 KBDownload Sensory and physical support service referral formFile type: DOCSize: 326 KBDownload CHSWG information leafletFile type: PDFSize: 55.85 KBDownload Primary and Additional Need GuidanceFile type: PDFSize: 133.61 KBDownload Good practice guide - Supporting participation of young people aged 16+File type: PDFSize: 485.12 KBDownload Transition Guidance for Settings, Schools and Colleges 2020File type: PDFSize: 5.69 MBDownload School Guidance - Travelling safely from June 2020File type: PDFSize: 183.88 KBDownload Easy read looking after your feelings and bodyFile type: PDFSize: 1.06 MBDownload Emotional Care - Oxford Parent Infant ProjectFile type: PDFSize: 276.78 KBDownload SEMHS Consultation Referral Form June 2020File type: DOCXSize: 85.25 KBDownload Macmillan 1-1 Support Referral formFile type: DOCXSize: 386.77 KBDownload Primary Education Travel Information PackFile type: PDFSize: 246.76 KBDownload Secondary Education Travel Information PackFile type: PDFSize: 443.07 KBDownload Further Education Travel Information PackFile type: PDFSize: 558.73 KBDownload Guidance on infection control on Schools and other Childcare facilitiesFile type: PDFSize: 918.76 KBDownload Supporting young autistic people in crisisFile type: PDFSize: 90.24 KBDownload A guide to making conversations with schools count for all familiesFile type: PDFSize: 264.81 KBDownload Jargon busterFile type: HTMLSize: 10 BDownload Job titles explainedFile type: HTMLSize: 10 KBDownload Oldham Inclusion Framework - Early YearsFile type: PDFSize: 531.24 KBDownload Oldham Inclusion Framework - Primary and SecondaryFile type: PDFSize: 791.89 KBDownload 2021 SEND Partnership Board Minutes Oldham SEND Gov-Rep Structure - January 2021 - PublishFile type: PDFSize: 128.36 KBDownload SEND Priority Action Plan SEND Priority Action PlanFile type: XLSXSize: 261.94 KBDownload Local Area Partnership: Overview of the SEND and Inclusion Improvement Programme SEND and Inclusion Improvement Programme - plan on a pageFile type: XLSXSize: 23.85 KBDownload SEND and Inclusion Improvement Programme - Priority ActionsFile type: XLSXSize: 31.98 KBDownload Sub–categories of Children and young people with SEND (Local Offer) Activities, leisure and short breaks Preparing for adulthood Education Health Care plans (SEND) Oldham Council Children and young people with SEND (Local Offer) RSS feed