Christmas Hours Check when Council Services will be closing over this Christmas period. Christmas hours
Licensing Act Policy 2015File type: PDFSize: 355.77 KBDownload Advertising conditions guidanceFile type: PDFSize: 38.15 KBDownload Conditions on licences guidanceFile type: DOCSize: 571 KBDownload Provisional statement application formFile type: DOCXSize: 78.74 KBDownload Provisional statement guidanceFile type: PDFSize: 152.6 KBDownload Premises licence application formFile type: DOCXSize: 103.11 KBDownload Premises licence guidanceFile type: DOCSize: 198 KBDownload Vary a premises licence application formFile type: DOCXSize: 70.9 KBDownload Vary a premises licence guidanceFile type: DOCSize: 190.5 KBDownload Transfer a premises licence application formFile type: DOCSize: 229 KBDownload Transfer a premises licence guidanceFile type: DOCSize: 184.5 KBDownload Consent of premises licence holder to transferFile type: DOCSize: 32.5 KBDownload Consent of individual to being specified as premises supervisorFile type: DOCXSize: 16.99 KBDownload Vary a designated premises supervisor application formFile type: DOCXSize: 28.92 KBDownload Vary a designated premises supervisor guidanceFile type: DOCSize: 181.5 KBDownload Personal licence application formFile type: DOCXSize: 55.7 KBDownload Personal licence guidanceFile type: DOCSize: 185.5 KBDownload Temporary event licence application formFile type: DOCXSize: 62.52 KBDownload Temporary event licence guidanceFile type: DOCSize: 192 KBDownload Private club premises certificate application formFile type: DOCSize: 375 KBDownload Private club premises declaration formFile type: DOCXSize: 94.4 KBDownload Private club premises vary a certificate formFile type: DOCXSize: 85.01 KBDownload Make a representation guidanceFile type: PDFSize: 97.62 KBDownload Order of proceedings for hearingsFile type: PDFSize: 35.08 KBDownload Review a premises licence application formFile type: DOCXSize: 24.76 KBDownload Review a premises licence guidanceFile type: PDFSize: 37.53 KBDownload Licensing Act 2003 Premises Applications Under ConsultationFile type: DOCSize: 31 KBDownload Application for a minor variation to a premises licence or club premises certificateFile type: DOCXSize: 48.1 KBDownload Statutory Guidance Issued By The GovernmentFile type: PDFSize: 1 MBDownload Responsible Bodies File type: DOCSize: 169.5 KBDownload Guide to registering for an online accountFile type: PDFSize: 756.4 KBDownload GUIDANCE ON APPLYING FOR A MINOR VARIATIONFile type: DOCSize: 192 KBDownload Application for a minor variation to a premises licence or club premises certificate under LA 2003File type: DOCXSize: 48.1 KBDownload Interim Authority NoticeFile type: DOCSize: 199 KBDownload Licensing Act Policy - 2021File type: PDFSize: 1.14 MBDownload Licensing Act 2003 FeesFile type: DOCXSize: 37.69 KBDownload DPS Consent FormFile type: DOCXSize: 16.99 KBDownload Guidance on AdvertisingFile type: DOCXSize: 174.53 KBDownload Guidance on Applying for a Premises LicenceFile type: DOCXSize: 169.27 KBDownload Guidance on PlansFile type: DOCXSize: 185.83 KBDownload Guide to ConditionsFile type: DOCXSize: 368.88 KBDownload Minor Variation ApplicationFile type: DOCXSize: 70.87 KBDownload Guidance on Advertising - Minor VariationsFile type: DOCXSize: 166.98 KBDownload Guidance on Applying for a Minor VariationFile type: DOCXSize: 171 KBDownload Guidance on Applying to Vary a Premises LicenceFile type: DOCXSize: 168.56 KBDownload Guidance on Applying for a Personal LicenceFile type: DOCXSize: 165.62 KBDownload Transfer Consent FormFile type: DOCSize: 59.5 KBDownload Removal of DPS RequestFile type: DOCXSize: 49.84 KBDownload Guidance on Designated Premises SupervisorsFile type: DOCXSize: 160.56 KBDownload Guidance on Transferring a Premises LicenceFile type: DOCXSize: 160.96 KBDownload DPS Consent FormFile type: DOCSize: 179.5 KBDownload Guidance on Temporary Event NoticesFile type: DOCXSize: 163.5 KBDownload Interested Party Rep Form - In SupportFile type: DOCXSize: 38.4 KBDownload Interested Party Rep FormFile type: DOCXSize: 39.15 KBDownload Guidance on Interested Party RepresentationsFile type: DOCXSize: 168.14 KBDownload Guidance on AdvertisingFile type: DOCXSize: 174.29 KBDownload Guidance on Applying for a CPCFile type: DOCXSize: 168.93 KBDownload Guidance on Plans CPCFile type: DOCXSize: 185.83 KBDownload Guide to Conditions CPCFile type: DOCXSize: 368.88 KBDownload Guidance on Applying to Vary a CPCFile type: DOCXSize: 168.85 KBDownload Guidance on Advertising - ClubsFile type: DOCXSize: 167.31 KBDownload Guidance on ReviewsFile type: DOCXSize: 165 KBDownload Guidance on Interim Authority NoticesFile type: DOCXSize: 162.04 KBDownload Surrender of Premises Licence formFile type: DOCXSize: 45.49 KBDownload