Showing: Support groups

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Records marked ‘Local Offer’ have a specific service for children or young adults with a special educational need or disability. Those without a Local Offer may still be accessible to you or your child.

Stay on this page to view all records, or see Local Offer services only.

ADDISS - The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service

Local Offer
Support and advice service
Providing people-friendly information about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.


Any age
020 8952 2800
Updated: 10/10/2023
Find out more about ADDISS - The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service

Adult Social Care

Local Offer
Support and advice council service
Help for people who need practical support due to illness, disability, old age or a low income.


From 18 years old
0161 770 7777
Updated: 17/09/2019
Find out more about Adult Social Care


Local Offer
Support group for Men
We are talking groups for men because… You’ve either been through a storm, currently going through a storm or have a storm brewing in your life. Accessible to all


From 18 years old
Oldham Event Centre, OL2 5BL
Updated: 26/04/2024
Find out more about Andysmanclub

Barnardo's - Believe in children

Local Offer
Support group
Helping to transform the lives of the most vulnerable children and young people in the UK. Accessible to all.


From 0 to 25 years old
Monday to Friday 9am-5pm 0800 008 7005
Updated: 05/01/2023
Find out more about Barnardo's - Believe in children

Barrier Breakers

Local Offer
Social group for disabled people
Young people can have fun with friends and work on issues that affect children and young people with additional needs.


From 11 to 21 years old (although some members maybe older if they started the group before their 21st birthday)
0161 770 3116
Rock Street Resource Centre, OL1 3UJ
Updated: 17/05/2024
Find out more about Barrier Breakers

Breathe Easy Oldham

Local Offer
Support and advice group for people with breathing difficulties
Regular speakers and social activities, for people with respiratory/lung problems, accessible to all.


From 21 years old
0300 303 0253
Hadfield Street, OL8 3BP
Updated: 21/07/2023
Find out more about Breathe Easy Oldham

Cafcass (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service)

Local Offer
Putting Children and Young People First in The Family Courts
Representing children in family court cases in England. Accessible to all.
Hear to Listen service: 0808 175 3333
Updated: 26/04/2023
Find out more about Cafcass (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service)

Carers Support Group

Local Offer
Support group
Peer support for Oldham’s unpaid and informal carers. Available to all.


18 years and over (under 18's see young carers)
0161 770 4786
The Link Centre, Union Street, OL1 1DZ
Updated: 18/06/2024
Find out more about Carers Support Group


Local Offer
Working wonders for children with brain conditions
Children with a brain condition: Support and Advice service
Charity for children with neurological conditions and brain injuries offering direct, ongoing support and funding vital research.


From 0 to 16 years old
0800 328 1159 (freephone)
Updated: 10/10/2023
Find out more about Cerebra

Community Mental Health Team: East

Local Offer
Support and advice service
Support for people with severe mental health problems and consideration for carers’ needs; risk assessment and management.


Any age (up to 65 years old)
0161 770 4151
Hamilton Street, OL4 1DB
Updated: 14/03/2023
Find out more about Community Mental Health Team: East

Community Mental Health Team: West

Local Offer
Support and advice service
Support for people with severe mental health problems and consideration for carers’ needs; risk assessment and management.


Any age (up to 65 years old)
0161 770 4151
Hamilton Street, OL4 1DB
Last updated: 14/03/2023
Find out more about Community Mental Health Team: West

Contact for families with disabled children

Local Offer
Advice and support
Charity that supports families with disabled children.


From 0 to 25 years old
0808 808 3555 (free helpline Monday to Friday 9.30am - 5pm)
Updated: 28/04/2023
Find out more about Contact for families with disabled children

Crafts and Care - Peer Support Group

Local Offer
A unique peer support group for mothers and carers of children with SEND (no diagnosis needed)
Support group
0161 478 2150
Updated: 11/10/2023
Find out more about Crafts and Care - Peer Support Group

Crossroads Care in Greater Manchester

Local Offer
Support and advice for carers
Supporting anyone who cares for someone with a physical or sensory disability, learning difficulty, or chronic illness.


Any age
0333 323 1990 or 07796 132481 (out of hours) or 01614 459595
Dale Street, OL16 3NJ
Updated: 28/04/2023
Find out more about Crossroads Care in Greater Manchester

Dads SEND Group

Local Offer
Support and advice for Dads, Uncles or Family members of children and young people with Additional Needs and Disabilities.
Support Groups
Updated: 05/08/2024
Find out more about Dads SEND Group

Disability Rights UK

Local Offer
We strongly suggest contacting the service or activity before you use it. This way you can check all the details are correct and that everything is right for you. Please remember to ask staff to show you that relevant insurance is in place and staff qualifications are up to date.
Information and advice
Disability Rights UK campaign in parliament on behalf of all disabled people.


Any age
0330 995 0400
East Bay Lane, E20 3BS
Update: 09/05/2023
Find out more about Disability Rights UK

Disabled Living

Local Offer
Information and Advice
Information about services for disabled individuals, older people, and those that support them


Any age
0161 214 4590
Priestley Rd, M28 2LY
Updated: 09/05/2023
Find out more about Disabled Living

Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS)

Local Offer
Support, Information and Advice
Accessible to all.


From 16 years old
0808 800 0082 (Freephone) 0808 800 0084 (Text phone)
Updated: 15/03/2023
Find out more about Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS)

Healthwatch Oldham

Local Offer
Independent champion for people who use health and social care services


From 18 years old
0161 622 5700
Updated: 24/05/2023
Find out more about Healthwatch Oldham

I AM - Celebrating Autism in Greater Manchester

Local Offer
Support group
I AM Celebrating Autism in Greater Manchester works across the 10 Manchester Boroughs and supports children and adults who are autistic and their families.


10 years to adult
0161 866 8483
Various locations across Greater Manchester
Updated: 02/06/2023
Find out more about I AM - Celebrating Autism in Greater Manchester

Independent Living Brokerage Partnership (ILBP Ltd)

Local Offer
Support Group
Brokerage Firm · In-Home Service - Direct Payments Team - Payroll - Pensions - Support


Any age
01706 249 595
Updated: 18/07/2023
Find out more about Independent Living Brokerage Partnership (ILBP Ltd)

K.O.G.S. (Keeping Our Girls Safe)

Local Offer
Building confidence and self-esteem
07491 068 364
Updated: 11/08/2023
Find out more about K.O.G.S. (Keeping Our Girls Safe)

Leonard Cheshire

Local Offer
Advice service
020 3242 0200
Updated: 26/04/2023
Find out more about Leonard Cheshire

M.E. Association

Local Offer
Support and advice group for people with ME
An independent registered charity, which aims to help improve the quality of life for all ME sufferers, their families and carers.


Any age
0344 576 5326 - Helpline
Stockport, SK4 5BP
Updated: 11/08/2023
Find out more about M.E. Association


Local Offer
Support, advice and professional care at home
Home care support. Accessible to all.


Any age
0808 808 1111
Golden Lane, EC1Y 0RT
Updated: 23/03/2023
Find out more about Mencap

National Autistic Society

Local Offer
Support and advice


All ages
0808 800 1050
Updated: 09/06/2023
Find out more about National Autistic Society

National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS)

Local Offer
We strongly suggest contacting the service or activity before you use it. This way you can check all the details are correct and that everything is right for you. Please remember to ask staff to show you that relevant insurance is in place and staff qualifications are up to date.
Support and advice service for childhood deafness and hearing loss
Free information on childhood hearing loss including: education, audiology, benefits, technology, communication, parenting.


From 0 to 25 years old
0808 800 8880 (Helpline) or 020 7014 5919
Updated: 12/06/2023
Find out more about National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS)

Oldham Diabetes Voluntary Support Group

Local Offer
Please remember to ask staff to show you that relevant insurance is in place and staff qualifications are up to date.
Support and advice group
A group run by people who have diabetes, providing help, advice and support to fellow sufferers, their families, friends and carers.


18 years upwards
0161 300 4488
Barker Street Community Centre, OL1 2XA
Updated: 11/08/2023
Find out more about Oldham Diabetes Voluntary Support Group

Oldham Parent Carer Forum (POINT)

Local Offer
Parent/carer forum
For parents and carers of children and young people with additional needs and disabilities


To support families with children and young people 0 to 25 years old
0161 503 1555
Updated: 08/12/2023
Find out more about Oldham Parent Carer Forum (POINT)

Oldham SEND Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)

Local Offer
Information and Advice Support Service
High quality information, advice and support for parents, carers, children and young people with a special educational need or disability.


From 0 to 25 years old
0161 503 1540
Middleton Road, OL9 9LB
Updated: 24/03/2023
Find out more about Oldham SEND Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)

Oldham SEND Mediation & Disagreement Resolution (DRS) Service

Local Offer
Mediation and disagreement resolution
POINT SEND Mediation & Disagreement Resolution (DRS) Services are designed to help settle disagreements about the provisions being made for a child or young person aged 0 to 25 years, with special educational needs/disabilities (SEND)


From birth to 25 years old
0161 503 1540
Updated: 01/10/2022
Find out more about Oldham SEND Mediation & Disagreement Resolution (DRS) Service

Oldham Support Group for Carers of Children and Adults with Autism (OSCA)

Local Offer
Support and advice for parents and carers
A local support group for the families of people with autism and related conditions.


Any age
07365 772 711
Connaught Street, Oldham
Updated: 10/12/2019
Find out more about Oldham Support Group for Carers of Children and Adults with Autism (OSCA)

Once upon a smile children's bereavement support group

Local Offer
Children's Bereavement Charity
Children's Bereavement Charity


up to 18 years old
0161 711 0339
Updated: 23/03/2023
Sidley House, M16 9HQ
Find out more about Once upon a smile children's bereavement support group

Parkinson's UK Oldham Branch

Local Offer
Support and advice group
We advise to Parkinson’s sufferers, their carers and family. We help people live an independent life and can help fund respite care.


Any age
07913 559 432
The Link Centre, Union Street, OL1 1DZ
Updated: 26/09/2019
Find out more about Parkinson's UK Oldham Branch


Local Offer
Charity No. 1179495
Support for people diagnosed with Hypoxic-Ischaemic Encephalopathy


Any age
Updated: 25/03/2024
Find out more about Peeps

Positive Steps - Oldham Young Carers

Local Offer
Support, advice and respite activities for young people with caring responsibilities and their families.
Short breaks for carers/people they care for
Young Carers work holistically alongside other family services, providing you and your family with different levels of support.


From 8 to 18 years old
0161 621 9400
Union Street, OL1 1DJ
Updated: 24/08/2023
Find out more about Positive Steps - Oldham Young Carers

Rainbow Trust Children's Charity

Local Offer
Support for seriously ill children and their families


From 0 to 18 years old
0161 628 2194
Updated: 28/03/2023
Find out more about Rainbow Trust Children's Charity

Respect for all - Counselling

Local Offer
We strongly suggest contacting the service or activity before you use it. This way you can check all the details are correct and that everything is right for you. Please remember to ask staff to show you that relevant insurance is in place and staff qualifications are up to date.
For Autistic People, People with Learning Disabilities, and Their Families and Carers
We believe that each person is unique and has potential. We show our respect through taking the time and effort to communicate with clients at a pace and in a way that is both helpful and empowering.
0161 532 4075
Updated: 16/12/2022
Find out more about Respect for all - Counselling

Royal Society for Blind Children (RSBC)

Local Offer
Support and advice service
Support to any child who has a visual difficulty. We can help apply for benefits, equipment and holidays.


From 0 to 25 years old
020 3198 0225
Updated: 23/08/2023
Find out more about Royal Society for Blind Children (RSBC)


Local Offer
Support, Information and Advice
Support, information, and advice for disabled people and their families


All ages
0808 800 3333
Updated: 21/06/2023
Find out more about Scope

SEND Workshops & Training Service

Local Offer
Support for Carers


Parents and carers of children and young people from 0 to 25 years old
0161 503 1551
Middleton Road, OL9 9LB
Updated: 05/04/2023
Find out more about SEND Workshops & Training Service

Sense Children's Specialist Services

Local Offer
Support and advice for people affected by deafblindness
Supporting and campaigning for deafblind people. Tailored support, advice and information as well as specialist services.


From 0 to 20 years old
0300 330 9256
Wakefield, Yorkshire
Updated: 11/12/2023
Find out more about Sense Children's Specialist Services


Local Offer
Housing support and advice
Immediate and practical assistance with housing issues, debt, and welfare benefits.


From 16 years old
0344 515 1640 or 0330 175 5121 (emergency helpline)
Samuel Ogden Street, M1 7AX
Updated: 30/03/2023
Find out more about Shelter

Smart Works Greater Manchester

Charity No: 1163594
Supporting unemployed women.


Women aged 16+
0161 974 0669
Updated: 29/02/2024
Find out more about Smart Works Greater Manchester

The Proud Trust

Local Offer
Support Group
The Proud Trust is the home of LGBT+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans + other identities such as asexual. intersex. Accessible to all.
0161 660 3347
Updated: 23/08/2023
Find out more about The Proud Trust

The SENsory Hub

Local Offer
Our offer is to support children and young adults with Neurodevelopmental issues such as autism, ADHD and other SEND conditions helping their families, and carers.
Support for children and young adults with Neurodevelopmental issues such as autism, ADHD and other SEND conditions helping their families, and carers, particularly in the Middleton area of the borough.
07359 237408
Unit 5-6, Midway House, Old Hall St, Middleton, Manchester, M24 1AN
Updated: 10/10/2023
Find out more about The SENsory Hub

The VICTA Parent Network

Local Offer
Online support for people with a visual impairment
Through Scarlett's Eyes is an online support and information-sharing network. Accessible to all.


From 0 to 29 years old
01908 240 831
Updated: 14/08/2023
Find out more about The VICTA Parent Network

TOG MIND (Tameside, Oldham & Glossop)

Local Offer
Mental health support and advice service
We provide the best quality local mental health services in prevention, early intervention and primary care; alongside empowering individuals and our communities to live well


Aged 16 and over
0161 330 9223
216-218 Katherine Street, OL6 7AS
Updated: 12/01/2023
Find out more about TOG MIND (Tameside, Oldham & Glossop)

Together for Short Lives

Local Offer
Information and advice
We want to help every child and family living with a life-limiting or life-threatening condition get the very best care and support they can so they can make the most of every moment together
0808 8088 100 (free helpline)
Updated: 11/08/2023
Find out more about Together for Short Lives

VI Talk

Local Offer
Support and advice for blind and partially sighted people
Supporting blind and partially sighted people, their families and friends, and those who work in the field of visual impairment. Accessible to all.


From 13 years upwards
0751 277 2770
Updated: 11/01/2023
Find out more about VI Talk

Witherslack Group

Local Offer
We strongly suggest contacting the service or activity before you use it. This way you can check all the details are correct and that everything is right for you. Please remember to ask staff to show you that relevant insurance is in place and staff qualifications are up to date.
Specialist education and care
We provide inspirational education and care to children and young people, resulting in life changing experiences and countless stories of success. Accessible to all.
Hall Cliffe School Jubilee Campus, Jubilee Way, Grange Moor, Wakefield, WF4 7TD
Updated: 11/12/2023
Find out more about Witherslack Group


Local Offer
Support Service
Wraparound offers a whole system, whole family support agency all about improving outcomes for children and young people with Special Needs.


From 0 to 25 years old
0161 236 0069
Updated: 14/08/2023
Find out more about Wraparound