Online payments

We are currently experiencing a problem with some online payments. We are working to get this resolved as soon as possible. For Council Tax and Business Rates payments, please visit:

Online payments
Support and advice group
We advise to Parkinson’s sufferers, their carers and family. We help people live an independent life and can help fund respite care.
The Primrose Centre, Magnolia Gardens, Oldham, OL8 1HX

Contact phone

07913 559 432

Contact email


Any age

Opening times

Exercise Classes are held on FIRST & THIRD WEDNESDAY each month with the MONTHLY MEETING being held on the FINAL WEDNESDAY each month (except December). The times for all classes and meetings are 2.30pm - 5pm

Cost details



We are here to give advice to Parkinson's sufferers, their carers and family:

  • We help sufferers to keep living an independent life
  • We can even help fund respite care
  • Our fitness sessions are run by a professional trainer
  • Come along to get fit and meet friends
  • We welcome non Parkinson members to our exercise classes

To join please attend any of our weekly meetings, no appointment needed.

Exercise classes are held on the FIRST and THIRD Wednesday each month and are FREE. The exercise classes are gentle, performed to music, seated or standing, and aimed at trying to address many of the various symptoms of this nasty condtion.

All get togethers each month a masseur is available if any attendees wish to have a massage at a subsided rate.



Updated: 26/09/2019