Christmas Hours

Check when Council Services will be closing over this Christmas period.

Christmas hours

2. Representations

As well as Responsible Authorities, any other person can play a role in a number of licensing processes under the 2003 Act.

This includes any individual, body or business entitled to make representations to licensing authorities in relation to applications for the grant, variation, minor variation, or review of a premises licence or club premises certificates, regardless of their geographical proximity to the premises. Any representations made by these persons must be relevant.

For a representation to be relevant it must:

  • Relate to the likely effect of the grant of the licence on the promotion of the licensing objectives
  • Be made by an interested party or responsible authority
  • Not have been withdrawn
  • Not be ‘frivolous’ or ‘vexatious’ or, in the case of a review, ‘repetitious’ if made by an interested party

In the case of variation applications, the representations must be confined to the subject matter of the variation.

To make a representation against or in support of an application please use the forms below.