My Account maintenance Wednesday 12 February 2025

We are carrying out routine maintenance on Wednesday, 12 February. My Account and some online forms will be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

My Account maintenance

Could you be a School Governor?

Watch a short introductory clip - All pupils, every ambition: future work (YouTube | 1min 45secs)

School governors represent the largest volunteer force in the country with approximately 1% of the adult population serving in this capacity at any one time.  To become a school governor you can either contact the school where you would like to become a school governor (check governor vacancies here) or contact the Governor Support Service at Oldham Council.

Anyone who is a legal resident in the UK and is over 18 can become a governor. You do not need to be a parent or a parent of a student at the school or college. 

Types of School Governors

There are different types of governors:

  • Parent governors - elected by the parents of children in the school
  • Co-opted/Community governors - appointed by the governing board and might include local business people or members of local community groups
  • Local Authority governors - members of the community, who may be elected members, with an interest in the school and skills required to meet the school's skills gap.  
  • Staff governors - elected by both the teaching and support staff at the school
  • Foundation governors - appointed by the board that established the school, for example, the church (CE or RC) etc.  

    The Manchester Diocesen Board of Education welcomes competent and skilled people of all denominations, faiths or none, to apply to be a Foundation Governor on the understanding that they sign up to the Commitment to the Christian Foundation of the school. For further information, you can read the Foundation Governor Policy on the Diocese of Manchester website.

  • Headteacher - if they choose to be a governor

Do you have…

  • The ability to form effective working relationships with fellow governors and staff?
  • The ability to enquire, scrutinise, challenge and actively support the work of the senior staff of the school?
  • The desire to work hard as a volunteer for the benefit of the children, families and staff?
  • The ability to look at issues objectively?
  • The confidence to ask questions and join in debate?
  • The willingness to listen and make informed judgments?
  • Willing to act honestly, openly and with integrity?

I would like to be a school governor, what do I do next?

If you want to be a governor of a particular school you could visit the school and show an interest.  You could talk to the Headteacher or the Chair of governors and make sure that they can contact you if a governor vacancy becomes available.

They can also pass your name to other appointing governing boards.

LA Governor Application

For LA governors, they can be a community member, work for the local authority, or an elected member. Your skills will be matched against skills required for the individual governing board. All applications will be considered and approved by the school's full governing board who will formally make the appointment.

Co-opted Governor Application

For co-opted governors, your skills will be matched against skills required for the individual school governing board. All applications will be considered and approved by the school's full governing board who will formally make the appointment.

To register your interest, please complete the Governor Expression of Interest form

Alternatively, you can contact the Governor Support Service for more information. 


You can also register an interest with:

Inspiring Governance YouTube Clips: 

More information is also available at National Governors' Association (NGA)