2024/2025 applications

Please note we will only accept applications for the 24/25 academic year, from 10 June 2024. Please do not apply before this date, as your application will not be processed.

Oldham Council issues free school travel passes, to enable those pupils who meet the eligibility criteria, to travel to and from school on public transport for free.

Several qualifying regulations must be met before free school travel passes can be issued.

We will not be processing any applications for the academic year 23/24 from Friday 14 June.

Any applications made after this date will be processed for the next academic year, where applicable.

Seven years old and younger

To be eligible for free travel, a compulsory school-age pupil must travel a distance of more than 2 miles if under 8 years of age.

Eight years old or older

To be eligible for free travel, a compulsory school-age pupil must travel a distance of more than 3 miles if 8 years or over, between home and school.

How distance is defined

Home is the pupil's main registered address. Typically, the address used by the Council for school admissions. We may conduct verification checks if needed.

Distance is defined as the distance between the child’s home and school, using the nearest available short walking route.

If a pupil travels over the statutory walking distance as outlined above, because of parental choice or because a brother or sister already attends the school, and there is alternative school accommodation available within the statutory walking distance, parents/carers will be responsible for any traveling expenses incurred.

Low-income families

Children who are entitled to free school meals, or those whose families receive their maximum level of Working Tax Credit (WTC), at the time of the application, are defined as those from low-income groups.

Within the form there is an option to upload digital copies of this evidence, please have copies ready to upload. Without this evidence, we will not be able to consider this as a factor in your application.

If you do not have evidence please email benefitsfsm@oldham.gov.uk and ask them to provide you with confirmation. We cannot check on your behalf with this service.
Please get this evidence before applying to us.

Children aged 8 years, but under 11 years, from low-income families are eligible for support where they live more than 2 miles from their nearest qualifying school.

Children aged 11 years old or over from low-income families are eligible for support where they live more than 2 miles from their nearest qualifying school, or the distance to the nearest suitable school preferred on the grounds of a parents’ religion or belief, is more than 2 miles but not more than 15 miles, from their home address.

If a pupil travels over the statutory walking distance as outlined above, because of parental choice or because a brother or sister already attends the school, and there is alternative school accommodation available within the statutory walking distance, parents/carers will be responsible for any traveling expenses incurred.

Faith-based applications

Please note qualification in relation to attending a school based on a student's faith/religion/ belief is only a consideration if the family meets the above Low-income family threshold. If you do not meet the above threshold any faith-related reasons for the school placement will not be considered.

Please check the distance, before applying

Please consider all of the above conditions, to ensure you qualify and check your child is attending a school either over 2 miles (seven years old and under) or 3 miles (eight years old or over) distance away from your home address, depending on their criteria. If they are not over the required distance, a pass will not be issued.

Change of address

Where pupils change their address, they will only be entitled to free school travel if, at the time of the change of address they are in Years 10 or 11, or they are taking a course leading to external examinations and the school satisfies the minimum distance requirements as outlined previously. This is 3 miles for most pupils in years 10 and 11.

If parents wish, pupils in Years 7, 8, and 9 may continue to attend their present school, but there is no entitlement to free school travel if there is a place available at a suitable school, within the statutory walking distance from the new address.

Pupils who are new to Oldham / attending a school outside of Oldham

Unless the pupil is in year 10 or 11 when they move in there will be an expectation that an application has been made for a local school.

If you choose to keep your child in a school without applying, you will likely not qualify for support. We may be able to offer a spot in a local school, even if it is full.

Pupils needing support due to special educational needs, disability or mobility difficulties

Please visit Oldham Council's SEND Transport assistance for details:

Pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)

Please contact the SEND Transport team rather than apply for a general pass as it's a different process.

How we will contact you

Contact will be made, including decisions, via email to the email address provided in your application.

This will be through a secure email system.

Apply here

Please check all of the above, before going through the application process.

Application form for a free school travel pass

Appealing our decision

If we decline your application you can ask for the decision to be looked at by a senior officer within the relevant team. Such a request must be made within 20 working days.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the senior officer's response you can appeal to an independent panel. The relevant team will provide details on how to appeal. All appeals must be submitted within 20 working days of the decision being sent by the senior officer.