4. Civil partnerships

Couples can now choose to have either a marriage or a civil partnership. Unlike marriages, the law in respect of civil partnerships does not require a ceremony, just the signing of a declaration before witnesses but couples can if they wish to choose to add a ceremony.

To qualify, both partners must be 18 years old, or over 16 years old with parental consent. They must not already be married or in a partnership. The partners cannot be related to each other in any way.

Choose and book a venue

If you are intending to make the partnership part of a ceremony, we recommend you first choose a venue.

Why not check out the wonderful Chadderton Town Hall.

Civil Partnership Conversions

Those in an existing civil partnership who wish to convert their partnership to a marriage can do so.

This is an administrative process but couples can choose to add a ceremony if they wish.

A civil partnership conversion can be booked at any register office regardless of where a couple lives or where the civil partnership originally took place.

Evidence of name, age, address, and a civil partnership certificate will be required at the appointment.

You can complete the process in one appointment providing both parties attend with the correct documents or you can choose to provide the documentation at one venue and sign the declaration at another venue or on a different date if you wish to have a ceremony as well as the legal process.

There is a fee of £50 to cover this service.

For advice, please call us on 0161 770 8960