College for over 16s
Darnton Road, Ashton under Lyne, Lancashire, OL6 9RL

Contact phone

0161 330 2330

Contact email
Ofsted URN: 146816

Ofsted rating



From 16 to 19 years old

Cost details

Full time courses are free to full time students up to the age of 19. Other costs depend on the type and length of the course.


At Ashton Sixth Form College, experienced, dedicated staff provide Inclusive Learning Support.

We have three qualified teachers who work with learners on a one to one basis or with small groups in our quiet, welcoming support area in the Geoff Higgins building.

One of these staff is a qualified dyslexia teacher and assessor. We also have qualified Learning Support Assistants who support students in their classes where it is needed.

We offer support for students with: specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia; hearing and visual impairments; autistic spectrum disorders; attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders (ADHD); as well as physical, medical and mental health conditions.

We work closely with Tameside Sensory Support Services: they advise us on how to support learners who have hearing or sight problems; they guide us on how to adapt handouts for students who have poor eyesight; they provide equipment for students who have hearing difficulties.

They also train our staff so that they can support students who have hearing or sight problems.

In addition, we work with students who have no diagnosed conditions. We support with: SPaG, writing, reading, basic numeracy, time management and organisation, and study skills and exam techniques.

We offer:

  • Assessments for dyslexia;
  • Coloured overlay assessments, for students who have difficulty reading black text on a white background;
  • Help to apply for the Disabled Students' Allowance for students going on to university;
  • Arrangements for personal care needs;
  • Special exam arrangements: including extra time, readers, use of a word processor, writer, rest breaks, enlarged papers.
  • We provide a range of equipment that we lend to students including: laptops; voice recorders; and specialist software packages.
  • We provide support for students when they go on college trips and visits: this may include accompanying students to conferences, open days, educational visits or trips in this country or overseas.

Teaching and support staff have an ongoing programme of training, provided by the Inclusive Learning team or outside agencies. This makes sure they are expert in working with students who have a wide range of learning differences, disabilities or conditions.

Ashton Sixth Form College is fully accessible to wheelchair users or those with restricted mobility. All buildings have lift and ramp access and there is ample parking reserved for disabled drivers.

All vocational students complete work experience placements as part of their course. We also support A level students who want to find work experience placements. Students who have learning differences or disabilities have the same opportunities as all other students for work experience placements. Our Employment and Enterprise teams liaise with students, their parents/carers, teachers and the Inclusive Learning team to ensure that the placement is appropriate for the student's needs.

We carry out risk assessments on all work placement providers and ensure that staff at the placement have training so that the student's needs are met. We communicate to work placement employers any essential information about a student's condition. This may be where they have medical needs or where adaptations are required. However, unless such communication is essential, we respect the student's right to confidentiality.

Updated: 13/03/2023