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Failsworth, M35

Contact phone

07954 356 167
Ofsted URN: EY474533

Ofsted rating



From babies to 11 years old

Opening times

Monday-Thursday 7:30am-5pm and Friday 7:30am-4:30pm

Cost details

Per day: £37.50

Free childcare possible for 2 year olds


Free childcare possible for 3/4 year olds


Takes childcare vouchers?


Drops-off/picks-up from

St John's CofE Primary School, St Mary's RC Primary School, Sunbeams Playgroup


Registered for 30 hours free childcare.

Special diets offered


Provides for different cultural needs


How do you identify special educational needs and disabilities?

I identify Special Educational Needs and Disabilities by attending available, relevant training helping me to understand children's needs and stages of development. I observe and asses children's progress, tracking their development and using this to help identify areas of need. I also work in partnership with parents and other professionals.

How do you involve parents/carers?

Working in partnership with parents is vital to my setting. I am freely available to parents to discuss children's development and parents have easy access to their child's 'Learning Journal' online. This tracks development and progress and enables parents to see exactly what their child does in the setting and how they are progressing. Each term parents receive a termly report which clearly identifies any needs there may be. This can be discussed and we can work together to see how these needs can be best met.

How do you support a child’s learning and development?

Working together is the best way to ensure a child develops to their full potential. We can do this by sharing best practices, attending training and working with outside agencies and professionals. I will support parents and carers in any way I can and will always try to make time to listen to concerns. I use a daily diary which helps me to share activities which a child might particularly enjoy or get something from and parents can post on the diary too to share information with me. I would also share any books/blogs/literature, I find that may support us both and we support the child's learning.

How do you meet a child’s educational needs?

I would work closely in partnership with parents and other professionals accessing any relevant and accessible training that would benefit the child. I would also aim to provide a wide variety of stimulating resources and activities.

How do we know my child is achieving agreed outcomes?

I use an online 'Learning Journal' which tracks a Early Years Foundation Stage. Parents have continuous access to this and so can track their child's progress too. Parents receive a termly report detailing their child's progress, development and what their next steps are. I would also work very closely with other agencies ensuring that agreed outcomes are being met ensuring that I attend any relevant meetings and receive copies of any recommendations made by the other partners.

How do you adapt for a child with extra needs?

Activities are planned around the needs of individual children and their stages of development. Any additional resources required would be accessed where at all possible. I would also work with parents and other professionals if extra advice were needed as to how best adapt activities to specific needs.

How accessible is your service, outside and inside?

Access to both the front and rear of the building is via a step. The layout of the front door into the front room would possibly make it difficult for a wheelchair to access. There is also a small step through into the playroom from the front of the property but this could fairly easily be manoeuvred. The only toilet in the property is upstairs.

How do you involve children in outings and trips?

All of the activities we currently do are accessible to all children. Any planned activities would be discussed with parents beforehand to ensure all children could be included. Any activity not accessible to a child would not be undertaken on a day when that child was in attendance. Risk assessments are always carried out prior to an outing and this would include any additional risk factors relating to a child's additional needs.

How do you work with other organisations?

I always work in partnership with outside agencies and endeavour to make myself available for any necessary training, meetings, visits, appointments etc. I have worked with a variety of outside agencies in the past including health visitors, AEN team, occupational and speech therapists and other early years professionals.

How do you support children when they start and leave?

I have a Settling In Policy which can be made available to you which sets out what I do to help children settle in. This includes offering free settling in visits and asking parents to fill in a fairly thorough 'All About Me' booklet giving me as much information as possible about their child, routines, likes, dislikes etc. When leaving my setting I complete a 'transition document' which is given to a child's new setting and details their progress and stage of development to enable the new setting to gain a greater understanding of the child and help them settle in better with them.

How are you/staff trained in extra needs?

I attend any available SEND training, complete online courses and access specific training available through speech therapy for example. I have a part-time assistant and we discuss any relevant issues, training etc. to ensure she is fully aware of latest legislation, strategies to meet a child's specific needs etc.

What is your policy on compliments, complaints, concerns?

Firstly I would hope that you would come to me with any issues you might have. If those issues could not be dealt with immediately then I have a Complaints Policy and Procedure that we would follow which sets out when Ofsted etc. would be informed and timelines for any action that needs to be implemented. As well as complaints I value positive feedback too and appreciate the many cards and comments I've received from happy parents which I treasure and share with prospective parents too.
Updated: 08/11/2024