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Audio book service
Calibre Audio is a national charity lending free audiobooks to anyone who is print disabled.
Calibre Audio, Aylesbury, HP22 5XQ

Contact phone

01296 432 339

Contact email



Calibre Audio is an amazing collection of over 12,000 audiobooks. Everyday we send out 1,700 books to our members. Since 1974, Calibre Audio has brought the joy of audiobooks to anyone struggling to access print, so they can immerse themselves in wonderful stories, memorable biographies or travel the world in their mind. In 2019 we sent over 460,000 audiobooks to over 14,000 members across the UK and internationally. We are able to lend to countries that have ratified the Marrakesh Treaty (the 2013 international copyright exceptions for visually impaired and print disabled people).

Find us on Facebook and Twitter 

Updated: 05/12/2023