News published June 2023
Tell us about how you get to school – and you could win a £50 voucher
Oldham Council wants to hear about your experiences when it comes to walking, cycling and wheeling to school.
Exciting plans for new theatre showcased at joint consultation event
Detailed plans for our new theatre and home for the Coliseum have gone on display to the public - showcasing a modern and inclusive space that's relevant and right for Oldham.
Dame Sarah Storey backs school safety scheme
Dame Sarah Storey OBE - Active Travel Commissioner for Greater Manchester – has backed Oldham’s first School Street.
Summer celebration for Oldham's best and brightest young stars
Children in care and care leavers from across Oldham gathered at Madhlo Youth Zone on Sunday for a summer carnival.
Children join Council Leader for opening of Hilton Square
School children joined Oldham Play Action Group and Oldham Council Leader, Arooj Shah, to take part in eco-friendly themed activities to mark the opening of our town centre's new Hilton Square.
Don't Trash Oldham: free pest control service goes live
Oldham Council is now offering a free pest control service to residents who own their own homes, and those living in private rented accommodation.
Mayor of Oldham launches ‘Truly Wished’
Local residents are being invited to nominate someone they know in Oldham who deserves for their wish to be granted, following the official launch of the Mayor’s ‘Truly Wished’ campaign.
Don’t Trash Oldham: Taking action and cleaning up our streets
The new Leader of Oldham Council has been out to see how our teams are tackling fly-tipping and taking action against environmental criminals.
Making Oldham the greenest borough
Oldham Council is looking to create a cleaner and greener borough – literally!
Council Leader, Cllr Arooj Shah congratulates Oldham honors recipients
Four Oldhammers have received an honors from His Majesty, King Charles III.