3. Advice and Safety Information

The application/granting of a licence, does not mean that the property is safe and meets all legal requirements relating to private rented properties.

The owner/licence holder/manager is and remains responsible, for checking the condition of the property and taking action where necessary.

It is also the owner/licence holder/managers responsibility, to ensure that they are personally up to date and understand the legal requirements and any changes to these requirements.

The purpose of a condition audit is to ensure that at the time of the audit, the licence holder is complying with the licence conditions. It is the licence holders/managers responsibility to ensure that they understand the licence conditions and continue to inspect and monitor that the property is safe, meets legal requirements and the licence conditions.

Should you not understand any part of the Selective Licensing scheme, licence or licence conditions, please contact us.


If you have any questions please call the Selective Licensing team:

Gas Safety

Blind Cord Safety

Does the property have blind cords - are they safe?

Water Safety

  • Drowning – Child Accident Prevention Trust