The following organisations and teams provide support to education and learning settings across Oldham.

SEND Service

SEND Service is composed of a number of teams providing support to children, young people, families and educational settings on all of the above, but who also provide the following:

Intelligence and Commissioning for SEND

A core team of staff who produce service trackers, performance dashboards, SEND Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, Special School Sufficiency, service level agreements, contracts, automation of processes, data analysis and commissioning


A core team of EHC and SEN Support Officers who process EHC applications and managed Annual Reviews, changes of placements and costs.  The team can be contacted at

Educational and Child Psychology Team (ECPS)

A core team of educational psychologists who provide consultation, assessment and interventions to promote best outcomes for children and young people with SEND.

Quality and Effectivieness Support Tam (QEST)

A team of Advisory Specialist Teachers and Teaching Assistants who work with SENCOs to support children, young people and staff in mainstream educational settings, schools and academies to improve outcomes for pupils SEND.

Mental Health in Education Team (MHiE)

A core team who support schools and colleges to have a whole school approach to emotional health and mental wellbeing aims to promote social, emotional and mental wellbeing.

Sensory and Physical Impairment Team

A specialist support service for children and young people with a sensory or physical impairment.  The team can be contacted on

Home to School Transport Team

Travel assistance is available for pupils who, because of their special educational needs, disability or mobility difficulties, cannot reasonably be expected to walk to their nearest qualifying school. More information about travel options and how to apply for travel assistance can be found

Early Help

Our Early Help Service works with children, young people, their families and adult only households. The service takes a person, family-centred approach and provides help at the earliest possible opportunity.

Further Support