11 - 16 years

Financial support from the Council is provided depending on the length and nature of the journey.

Pupils aged between 11 and 16 years, living between 2 and 6 miles away from one of the 3 nearest secondary schools will be entitled to support if they get free school meals, or parents get the maximum level of working families tax credit at the time of application.

Contact the Pupil Service (Transport) for details.

16 - 19 years

If you have to travel to school or college on more than one bus you can apply for a refund for the second (and subsequent) bus journey.

This support is available for full time courses (i.e. at least 12 guided learning hours per week), and is not means- tested.

Contact the Pupil Service (Transport) for details.

Do you turn 19 while you study?

If you turn 19 while you are studying, the Council will assist with transport costs until the end of the year in which you turn 19.

Contact the Pupil Service (Transport) for details.

Over 19

If you are aged 19 or over and having trouble meeting the costs of participating in further education at your college, Discretionary Learner Support might be one source of help.

Bicycle allowance

If you ride a bike to school or college you may be able to claim a bicycle allowance.

Contact the Pupil Service (Transport) for details.