We are committed to providing the best possible support and services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

That's why we invite you to provide feedback about our SEND local offer. Your input is vital to help us improve and ensure our services meet our community's needs.

Whether you have had personal experience of using our services or have ideas on how we can improve, we want to hear from you. Please take a few minutes to complete our online feedback form, or get in touch with us directly to share your thoughts. Together, we can make a positive difference in the lives of children and young people with SEND in our community.

Feedback form

Here are some examples of how your feedback has been used to make positive changes to the SEND local offer over the last 12 months.

How we have used your feedback  

You said

We did

“What’s new on the Local Offer?” 

In addition to the information that already existed on the SEND Local Offer over the course of the last year, we have added over 100 activities, additional information, and updated and data-cleansed approximately 875 records.

Some examples include:

The SEND Local Offer home page has received 9,0543 views (of these 3,974 were unique views) between August 2023 and July 2024.

“I was looking for Autism Parent carer support and thought to recommend adding Autism Central”


After receiving this request, we researched the link. The following resources have been added to the SEND Local Offer to support parents with children with additional needs

 “What grants, loans and discounts are available for carers?”

The following additional resource has been added to the SEND Local Offer to support Carers

“What information is available to help safeguard our SEND children?”

The following additional resources have been added to the SEND Local Offer to support safeguarding:

We have also regularly communicated with schools and early years settings to share safegurading advice, best practice guidance and support.

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 produced by the Department for Education throughout 2023/24 academic year made clear the expectations around safeguarding and adjustments that were recommended or mandatory.