Online payments

We are currently experiencing a problem with some online payments. We are working to get this resolved as soon as possible. For Council Tax and Business Rates payments, please visit:

Online payments

6. Our role

Working to improve the educational outcomes of children looked after, previously looked after and children with a Social Worker. We offer a range of support and services to schools, social work teams, IROs, carers and other professionals, in order to promote and support the best educational outcomes for care experienced children and young people, those that have been previously looked after and children with a Social Worker

Support for schools and education settings


  • run Designated Teacher network meetings for the Senior Leader responsible for Looked After and Previously Looked After Children
  • provide ongoing professional consultation and advice to Designated Teachers and key staff in school to support them in their role
  • provide training for Governors and Governing Bodies so that they are aware of their statutory responsibilities towards our children and young people
  • offer advice around attendance and engagement and work closely with our Inclusion and SEND service
  • can provide access to our Educational Psychologists and Speech and Language Therapist for a consultation, via our commission of these services
  • offer advice regarding exclusions, working closely with education support services and partners
  • provide advice and guidance around appropriately challenging targets in the Personal Education Plan and the best use of the Pupil Premium Plus grant to support outcomes for Oldham CLA
  • provide advice around alternative provision, liaising with relevant partners whilst ensuring schools retain and fulfil their statutory responsibilities to children on their roll

Support for Social Workers and other professionals

By providing advice...

  • to social work teams and parents/carers to support their decision making in regards to school applications, ensuring compliance with statutory guidance, and provide support with liaison with other LA admissions authorities
  • guidance and support around exclusions and the legal framework and will attend/facilitate meetings in school to support social workers/carers and advocate for the child where there is risk of exclusion
  • guidance around attendance, working closely with the Inclusion Service
  • regarding statutory processes for SEN, including support with the completion of statutory assessment of needs where necessary. We also support with out of authority liaison with other SEND teams around the country
  • training around PEPs and the best use of the Pupil Premium Plus grant
  • additional advice and consultation to social work colleagues and Independent Reviewing Officers and LA education teams to ensure statutory compliance with both LA and school requirements
  • attend and contribute to a range of multi-agency meetings to ensure that the educational needs and provision for our children and young people is prioritised

Additionally we provide the following support and services


  • collect and analyse attendance, exclusion and attainment data for Children Looked After, using this to inform our priorities and work with partners
  • manage the administration, compliance and quality assurance process for PEPs, and administer the PPP grant to schools linked to the PEP, advise on and monitor its use
  • attend initial PEPs when children enter care and where appropriate attend further PEP meetings where additional professional advice from one of our education officers is required
  • work closely with partners, including Positive Steps and Oldham Post 16 service to provide additional advice regarding young people in Post 16 education to promote and support engagement in education, employment or training
  • provide support and advice at key transition points from Year 6 to 7 and Year 11 to Post 16. Where required additional support is provided for in year school placement moves
  • provide advice, guidance on the education of Previously Looked After Children and Children with a Social Worker
  • advocate for looked after children, as part of our corporate parenting responsibilities, to ensure that their views are heard in any decision making around their education
  • ensure that we remain current with all statutory requirements, best practice and research in the education of Children Looked After and Previously Looked After Children to informs our approach and advice
  • contribute to and are represented on strategic and operational partnerships panels and boards to ensure that education remains a focus and priority for CLA, previously looked after and children with a social worker
  • provide, co-develop / deliver and commission a range of training opportunities for partners to support and develop understanding of the educational needs of Children Looked After, Previously Looked After and Children with a Social Worker
  • offer a comprehensive programme of additional activities for Oldham Children Looked After to increase participation of our children and young people and raise their aspirations