My Account maintenance Wednesday 12 February 2025

We are carrying out routine maintenance on Wednesday, 12 February. My Account and some online forms will be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

My Account maintenance
Playgroup open school term only
Christ Church, Block Lane, Chadderton, Oldham, OL9 7QB

Contact phone

07928 149 269
Ofsted URN: EY339662

Ofsted rating



From 2 to 5 years old



Vacancy details

Spaces for 3 year old

Opening times

Monday 8:45am - 11:45 am, Tuesday 8:45am -14:45pm, Wednesday 8:45am - 11:45am, Thursday 8:45am - 14:45pm, Friday 8:45am - 14:45pm

Cost details

See the description

Free childcare possible for 2 year olds


Free childcare possible for 3/4 year olds


Takes childcare vouchers?



Registered for 30 hours free childcare.

Times 2 Year Olds 3&4 Year Olds
3 hour session £15.50 £14
Full day £31 £28

Packed lunches must be provided by parents/carers for children who attend for full days.

Find us on Facebook

Special diets offered

On discussion with Parents

Provides for different cultural needs


How do you identify special educational needs and disabilities?

We identify SEND through Discussion with Parents. Observation and Assessment Monitoring children's progress, by keeping online learning journals for each child. This is accessible for all parents. Qualified staff with knowledge of child development and the Early Years Foundation Stage. Named SENCo Excellent relationships with our local health visitors.

How do you involve parents/carers?

We involve parents in all we are doing regarding children in our care. Once again using our online tracking system and chaps. We talk to each parent about their child when they first join pre-school, including any behaviours at home and any concerns they may have. Each child has a key person who parents can talk to all year round; however we also have termly information sharing sessions where parents meet with their child's key person to talk about their time in pre-school and their development. If practitioners have any concerns about a child's progress or well being they would discuss this with parents, share their observations and assessments and talk about what support is available to the family. We welcome contributions from parents and each family have access to our online learning journey's so they can share what their child gets up to at home as this can often be different from what we observe in pre-school.

How do you support a child’s learning and development?

Our knowledgeable staff are friendly and approachable, your child will have a key person who can support you, we have an open door policy so you can come and see us anytime! We have interactive learning journeys so you are able to see what you child is doing in pre-school and can share with your child's key person what they are getting up to at home. Each observation has the practitioners planned "next steps" so you know what we are going to be doing soon. We share our termly summaries with parents each term which include suggestions on how you can support your child at home and you can share with your child's key person what you want us to concentrate on in pre-school. Our Facebook page share lots of links to helpful and supportive sites such as the local children's centre's, learning websites.

How do you meet a child’s educational needs?

All our staff have a good understanding of child development and the Early Years Foundation Stage. They have access to continued professional development to ensure their skills and knowledge are kept up to date. We have Regular one to one meetings with outside professionals and having a good working relationship with parents. We ensure we have a good observation and assessments tailored for each child's individual needs. We provide a stimulating environment and activities to meet learning intentions and provide next steps. We provide a warm and secure inviting welcome to all our children and their families.

How do we know my child is achieving agreed outcomes?

We ensure continual access to your child's learning journey via Tapestry.Regular one to one meetings with parents to discuss goals and progress. Person Centred reviews with the Special Educational needs Coordinator who will invite any other agencies that may be supporting your child or gather information from them to share with you at these meetings.

How do you adapt for a child with extra needs?

We plan for individual children using our knowledge and understanding of their needs for example use of visual aids to assist a child with speech and language difficulties. Al resources and activities are accessible for all and we are happy to make reasonable adjustments to our provision to ensure we meet the needs of all children. Practitioners are skilled in differentiating activities for children with special educational need and disabilities to ensure all children have equal opportunities to access resources and experiences. Any identified resources to help a child's learning potential can be sourced.

How accessible is your service, outside and inside?

Our setting is fully accessible both indoors and outdoors with flat access and disabled toilet. We have no limitations on access with free flowing play areas when possible.

How do you involve children in outings and trips?

We have good access to the surrounding area's to ensure children are able to be included on local outings. We have a supernumerary manager who can ensure we are able to provide 1-2-1 support for a child when out for the setting. We choose our excursions based on children's interests and ensure they are suitable for all the children accessing our setting. We work in partnership with parents and carry out risk assessments making sure visits are accessible for all, this may include risk assessments for individuals and adaptions were possible.

How do you work with other organisations?

We have established excellent relationships with Oldham Agencies i.e health visitors, paeditricians, physios and other professionals. We have regular meetings and invite professionals to our setting for information sharing. We are supportive of one another to help our child reach their personal potential. Because of our good relationships information is shared efficiently and appropriately between agencies ensuring the best outcomes for the child.

How do you support children when they start and leave?

Each child has a tailored settling in process that we plan through discussion with parents and professionals who may already be working with the child. These can include: Person Centred transition meetings Setting Visits Home visits Sharing of information. We follow a similar process to support transition into schools. We welcome teachers to visit our setting and would happily support children by sending their key person to accompany them to their new setting for a visit. We will always support the child and family to have a smooth transition.

How are you/staff trained in extra needs?

We have a named Special Educational Needs Coordinator and our Manager is also a trained SENCo. All staff have access to training to support their understanding of SEND. We try to ensure as many practitioners as possible have access to programs that are used to support children with Speech and Language delay such as: Little Talkers Visual Strategies Intensive Interaction and we have practitioners trained in: The Solihull Approach Elkan speech and language support WellComm ASQ 3 Raising early achievement in literacy. We seek support from the additional complex needs advisors, early years specialists, child development service, teachers for the deaf, physiotherapists, feeding nurses and speech and language therapists to support our individual children. Please note this is not an exhaustive list and we will always research and find out information that is need on a case by case basis.

What is your policy on compliments, complaints, concerns?

We welcome any feedback of any nature, this can be named or confidential and we will responsed as soon as possible. We would like to try and deal with any concerns you have directly however we have information displayed within the pre-school that would support you taking a complaint further. Any complaint would trigger an investigation; you would be updated regularly and the result of this investigation would be shared with yourself and relative agencies.
Updated: 27/02/2023