Independent living
We have an extra-ordinary vision to provide independent living skills tailor made to every young person living with us
Head office: 3 The Fold, Manchester, M9 6PA

Contact phone

01420 481246 or 07827 317 203


Leaving Care Accommodation Provider specialising in accommodation and mentoring support

Our Service provides compassionately caring supported living services established to promote opportunities to young people to enable them to build and sustain a better future.

We are a well-resourced and professionally led organisation providing effective compassionate caring services which are designed to be flexible and responsive to the needs of individual young people in our care.

Unison Living has an extra-ordinary vision to provide independent living skills tailor made to every young person placed with us. Our attention to every facet of leaving care and detail to our programme is versatile; we will support young people through teaching them how to deal with their Money, Budgeting, Employment and Further Education through our various agency inter-links. Children/young people are given individualised support in line with their needs, wishes, and receive help, guidance and support when needed or requested also via their key worker sessions.

Our workers will take into account any professional services are provided to help children/young people develop individual identity in relation to gender, disability, religious, racial, cultural, linguistic background or sexual orientation. Our worker ensures that support/advice is provided for children/young people, who have been or are involved in sexual exploitation, whether as the victim or in abusing others. Our worker will promote that the child/young person is involved with the planning of any such support programmes.

Unison Living is a private limited company registered with Companies House in England and Wales (Registration Number 12151272). Unison Living’s Statement of Purpose (available on request) provides an introduction into our semi-independent services.

Our organisation was established to provide effective evidence-based services for young people aged between 16 to 24 who are either coming out of the care system, foster care or broken-down families. This also includes unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (young people) and those released on Home Detention Curfews HDCs.

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Updated: 14/08/2023