Counselling Service
The Loft Therapy & Well Being, 1st floor, 72 High Street, Uppermill, Oldham, OL3 6AW

Contact phone

07979 913 307

Opening times

Monday to Saturday 8am - 8pm (Appointments available)

Cost details

£55 per 50 mins, individuals (concessions available seniors and juniors) £65 per 50 minutes couples


Counselling can help you to be listened to and supported with any difficulties you are experiencing, offering a supportive, non-judgemental and confidential counselling service. A qualified and professional counsellor for both individual and couples.

Physical illness and disability can affect our mental health as well as physical.

It may be hard to accept a physical illness, you may be suffering with daily pain or have an awareness that the illness is not going to improve over time.

All of these can affect mental health, well-meaning family and friends may try to "jolly you along" finding positives in your situation as a means of helping.

You may a great need to talk openly and honestly about your thoughts and feelings, some of these may be ones you do not wish to share with the people closest to you.

Updated: 14/08/2023