We strongly suggest contacting the service or activity before you use it. This way you can check all the details are correct and that everything is right for you. Please remember to ask staff to show you that relevant insurance is in place and staff qualifications are up to date.
Private Tuition
Head Office, 75a Lees Road, Clarksfield, Oldham, OL4 1JW

Contact phone

07841 688 663
Ofsted URN: EY563020

Ofsted rating

Awaiting first inspection


5 - 20 years old

Opening times

Flexible 7 days a week


A-star Tuition was first established in Oldham in 2010 and has rapidly grown into a household name and a trusted private tuition services provider. At A-star Tuition, we have a very strong belief; “Age is but a number, appreciate the mind” …and we do not let talent go to waste. We intentionally seek out exceptional minds, nurture them, understand them and help the child (sometimes as young as 7 years old) to develop and harness their talent. 

There is also a primary qualified SEN teacher who delivers exceptionally engaging and uniquely tailored lessons based on schooling needs. Her SEN teaching specialism means she can differentiate and cater for the needs of each of our primary school children.

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Updated: 25/04/2023