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Virtual school

Opening times

Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm


Oldham Virtual School works to promote the educational achievements of our looked-after children regardless of where they are placed. It does not itself provide education, but instead recognises that schools are responsible for the educational outcomes of its children and holds them to account for the provision they offer and to ensure that the life chances of each looked-after child is improved.

The aim of the Virtual School is through partnership working, particularly with social workers, schools and wider partners to ensure professionals have appropriate knowledge and understanding of educational needs and processes relating to looked after children and understand and adhere to their statutory roles and duties to ensure the best possible outcomes for our children and young people.

We provide consultation, advice, support and training around all aspects of education in relation to children looked after such as admissions, attendance, exclusions, progress and attainment, transition, suitable education provision and programmes, SEND, the PEP process and good practice around the use of the Pupil Premium Plus (PP+) grant.

Updated: 11/08/2023