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Independent Muslim Secondary School for Girls
Unit 2, Kelsall Street, Oldham, OL9 6HR

Contact phone

0161 622 1947 or 07904 817 077

Contact email
Ofsted URN: 137822

Ofsted rating



11 - 15 years

Opening times

Term only Monday to Friday 8.15am - 3.10pm


The School supports pupils with SEND

  • Staff will look for signs of specific SEND conditions during observations
  • We work closely with parents and share the records of observations with them. 
    We encourage parents to tell us if they feel their child has a condition and advise them to seek professional advice from the child's GP. We also sign post parents to relevant agencies that offer help and support. 
    We work in partnership with parents/carers to monitor all learners closely
  • We conduct routine classroom observations of your child during free play and other activities through out the day. We link your child's learning to the Early Learning Goals and will share this with you with the evidence.
  • We have a robust policies and procedures that seek to implement the EYFS framework which encompasses the educational and welfare needs of all children. All our policies a readily available for you to view. We are happy for you to come in at any time to discuss any concerns you may have about your child
  • We keep a record of your child's progress. The progress is marked against the Early Learning Goal. We observe the children and then set targets for their next steps. This data is available on your child's learning journal. We have now invested in an online software which allows you instant access to your child's day at the Nursery
  • We seek to ensure that any reasonable adjustments are made to make learning accessible to all children. We have a disability lift to allow leaners with mobility impairments to access the learning spaces. Our SENDCO will identify your child's needs and will advise your child's key worker. The learning areas will be set up to ensure that your child's specific needs are met. If we are unsure about how to tailor the learning to the correct needs of your child, we will seek expert advice from the LA
  • The indoor and outdoor learning spaces are adequately accessible. We have an accessibility lift for children who need wheel chair access to the first floor
  • We conduct risk assessments before participating on trips. If your child has an individual need, we will ensure that the risk assessment and take into consideration the specific need of your child so that your child is not disadvantaged in any way
  • We already have a strong working partnership with important bodies within the LA. We participate in Muti-agency and Mutli-disciplinary meetings and conferences to keep up to date with new regulations and good working practice. We work closely with SEND professionals who may need to come into our setting and work with your child
  • We have a settling in procedure that is child centred and allows children to get used to our setting. This will begin with a home visit by the key worker and then a slow gradual settling in week (or as many sessions are needed) to allow children to come in for short sessions and slowly allow parents to leave the child on his/her own without the parent.
    When children are leaving the setting we work closely with the new setting by sharing all relevant information needed to help the new setting to understand the learning and developmental needs of your child
  • All staff undertake accredited SEND training. The also attend training that is available through the LA
  • We have a very clear complaints policy - which is readily available at our setting - that ensures that we create a very open and healthy working relationship with parents. You can meet with the Nursery Manager at any time. You can speak to your child's Key Worker at home time or arrange a mutually suitable time. You phone our reception, send us and email or post the complaint in our suggestions box which is checked daily.
    We will endeavour to deal with your complaint as soon as practically possible and will deal with serious complaints as a matter of urgency
  • School's Accessibility policy