Primary school
Cooper Street, Springhead, Oldham, OL4 4QT

Contact phone

0161 770 5620
Ofsted URN: 105668

Ofsted rating



From 3 (in nursery) to 11 years old

Opening times

Monday to Friday 8.50am - 3.10pm


Before & After School Club (Squirrels Childcare Ltd) Monday to Friday Opening Times: 7.30am – 9am, Monday to Friday 3.15pm - 5.30pm during term time. Holiday Club (Squirrels Childcare Ltd) Monday to Friday Opening times: 7.30am - 6pm during school holidays. Tel: 0796 700 5109 or 0796 788 20968

At Springhead Infant and nursery school we embrace the fact that every child is different and, therefore, the educational needs of every child are different; this is certainly the case for children with Special Educational Needs.

School's SEND and Inclusion Information 

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Updated: 19/01/2023

Local Offer

Ofsted judgement: Good
  • 2. Good