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GoodOfsted report
From 4 to 11 years oldOpening times
Monday to Friday 8.45am - 3.15pmDescription
Roundthorn is a fully inclusive school. We aim to ensure all pupils achieve their potential, personally, socially, emotionally and academically in all areas of the curriculum, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual identity, physical ability or educational needs.
We recognise that each child has individual needs and may have additional educational needs at some stage in their school career. These may arise from learning or behavioural difficulties, physical disability or giftedness. Children develop and learn at different rates and it is important that we view their progress in a positive way. We will look at what a child has achieved and plan the next steps in his or her learning, rather than focusing on what s/he is unable to do.
We believe that early and efficient identification and assessment of pupils' needs is essential so that targets for learning can be set and appropriate forms of intervention and support can be planned. Each pupil's progress will be monitored closely and reviewed regularly in order to ensure that effective strategies are being used.
We aim to work as a team to support each other, sharing ideas, resources and expertise. The SENCo is available to assist teachers in formulating Individual Education Plans (IEPs), setting targets, choosing strategies and resources and reviewing progress. Children with AEN are a vulnerable minority and, to protect their interests, we aim to ensure that SEN provision is given equal status with other curriculum areas.
School's SEND and Inclusion Information
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Ofsted judgement: Good- 2. Good