Primary school
Sidmouth Street, Chadderton, Oldham, OL9 7RG

Contact phone

0161 770 6450
Ofsted URN: 142425

Ofsted rating



From 4 to 11 years old

Opening times

Monday to Friday 8.35am - 3.15pm


We are a co-educational school which takes pupils from age 3-11 years old. We have a 60-place nursery and an intake of 60 pupils per year, making us a two form entry Primary School.

Dinners £2.10 per day

At Freehold Community School we deliver the National Curriculum to all children regardless of their abilities. We believe all children have a right to an education and support children through this journey. In school we train a high number of staff in interventions which support children's needs and address any misconceptions. All of our children, regardless of need, participate in a wide range of extra curricular activities and educational visits. We are a well-resourced school which supports children to achieve their full potential.

School's SEND and Inclusion Information

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Updated: 09/01/2023

Local Offer

Ofsted judgement: Good
  • 2. Good