Primary school
Burlington Avenue, Coppice, Oldham, OL8 1AP

Contact phone

0161 770 3543
Osted URN: 139704

Ofsted rating



From 3 to 11 years old

Opening times

Monday to Friday 8.55am - 3.15pm


Coppice Primary Academy is a large school for pupils aged 3-11, located near to the centre of Oldham. Our Academy is part of the Focus-Trust and caters for over 550 pupils. Our skilled and dedicated staff work hard to provide a wide range of educational experiences for the children in a safe and vibrant environment. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum, blending the essential basic skills in literacy and numeracy, with a wider curriculum based around ‘Learning Challenges'.

School's SEND and Inclusion Information 

The staff and governors at Coppice recognise that all children have particular needs because all children are individuals who learn at their own pace.
The school has a policy on how we identify children with Additional Educational Needs (AEN.). Sometimes the term Special Educational Needs (SEN) is also used. Children are set individual learning goals or targets in an Individual Plan (IAP) that is unique to them. As well as outlining these targets a successful IAP also includes strategies that will be used to meet them and possibly special arrangements when a child may be supported either as an individual or as part of a small group. Each year group has a plan to show the provision made for all the children.

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Updated: 08/08/2023

Local Offer

Ofsted judgement: Good
  • 2. Good