Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Playgroup open school term only
The Arc Community Centre, 398 Abbey Hills Road, Oldham, OL8 2DJ

Contact phone

0161 628 8598
Ofsted URN: EY492264

Ofsted rating



From 18 months to 5 years old



Vacancy details

Places available for children aged between 20 - 60 months

Opening times

Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm

Cost details

Per hour: £5, Per day: £35, Per week: £150, Per session: £25

Free childcare possible for 2 year olds


Free childcare possible for 3/4 year olds


Takes childcare vouchers?



Registered for 30 hours free childcare.

Our Mission Statement:

“Our aim is to provide a safe, secure and inspiring environment in which all children are encouraged to explore, develop and achieve”.
"We understand that parents are equally important and are their child’s first and most enduring educator. Therefore we intend to work with parents to ensure that together we are having a positive impact on the children’s care, development and learning."

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Special diets offered

All cultural and medical dietary requirements catered for

Provides for different cultural needs

Fully inclusive setting

How do you identify special educational needs and disabilities?

We understand that all children develop in their own unique way and at different rates. All children’s progress is closely monitored in the setting. Each child has their own key person who produces a learning journey which includes observations, photos, children’s work, observations from parents and tracking information about their progress across the areas of learning and development within the EYFS. The children’s learning journeys are available for the children to access themselves and also for parents to look at any time they would like. The key person is also available at the beginning and end of the day to chat to parents on a regular basis so they can keep each other up-to-date on the child’s current interests and stage. These conversations may also be an opportunity for discussions regarding any concerns and necessary support. We rely on strong relationships and team-work between the key person and parent to ensure conversations are had which will support a child development and future progress. The evidence gathered by the key person will contribute to the tracking of each child’s progress and stage of development. This will help practitioners to identify areas where children are progressing at the expected level of development or where children are achieving above or below this level. This information is then used to produce a summary of the child’s current stage of development and progress each term and is called a ‘Summative Assessment’. From this summary, ‘Next Steps’ are produced for each individual child, which aim to support areas below expected levels of development and to also promote further progress in areas the child is doing well. The progress of all children are monitored closely and following support given by practitioners where there are continued concerns the Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENCO) will be introduced for additional support to children and families and where necessary appropriate professionals and additional services will be contacted with agreement from parents.

How do you involve parents/carers?

When first meeting children and their families we begin to find out as much as we can about the child and his/her development, health and routines. We ask parents to share their views on their child’s current development. Once the child is settled into nursery the key person will begin to observe the child through play and complete a baseline assessment/2 year progress check. We plan integrated reviews with health visitors, key persons and parent where possible when completing the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) so that together we can build an accurate assessment of the child’s current development, discuss abilities and any concerns that may arise. Following on from this, children are continually observed each term and summative assessment reports are completed by key persons which are shared with parents each term. We also offer parent’s evening once a year where summative assessment, next steps and progress can be discussed in more detail.

How do you support a child’s learning and development?

All observations are added to our secure, online learning journal system 'Tapestry'. This gives parents regular updates on their child's learning at nursery. Parents are asked to add any achievement made by the child at home to Tapestry. Working together parents and practitioners can support the child to make good progress.

How do you meet a child’s educational needs?

Key person will observe your child in play, assess development and plan next steps in their learning. They will share with parents any progress or concerns. The key person will also share concerns with the setting Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO). The SENCO will work with the key person and parent to support the child’s needs and where necessary make referrals to other professionals and services to ensure your child receives interventions as soon as they are needed.

How do we know my child is achieving agreed outcomes?

The SENCO will then arrange regular meeting to discuss the child’s progress with parents and other professionals. These are known as Person centred review meetings. During these meetings what’s great about the child, their interest, what’s working well/not so well, aspirations and action plans will be discussed and specific targets will be provided to support your child’s learning and development. These targets will be reviewed at each meeting. The key person will incorporate the targets into daily planned activities to make sure the child is regularly working towards their goals.

How do you adapt for a child with extra needs?

On a daily basis we plan and provide a wide range of developmentally appropriate activities. Practitioners use their knowledge, training and experience to adapt activities and areas to meet the needs of all children. Additional support is provided when needed and specific resources are provided when required. We work will professionals and seek advice when needed.

How accessible is your service, outside and inside?

The setting offers a large open plan play room with wheelchair access and accessible toilets. The play room has direct access to the outdoor area, which consists of a small garden area with both natural and artificial grass. This also allows for continuous play opportunities for all the children, offering them the choice of indoor and outdoor play throughout the day. The setting provides high quality accessible equipment such as adjustable table heights, floor play space, and steps. Practitioners also use visual aids to support all children’s communication needs and are able to use their knowledge and experience to adapt activities to meet the varying needs of all children.

How do you work with other organisations?

We have built a good reputation and professional relationships in the area. We ensure that all children are referred to relevant services in a timely manner so that they can receive the interventions at the earliest possible stage. Professionals are then involved in the regular person centred review meetings, where the child’s progress is shared and targets are reviewed and updated to ensure the best possible outcomes for the child.

How do you support children when they start and leave?

When children start we offer a gradual admission process where children come to visit, parents can see what we offer and ask questions ensuring as a nursery you feel we can meet the needs of your child. The gradual admission process usually consist of two visits with parents and one visit where children get to explore with the support of a familiar practitioner. However, children settle at their own rate so are able to offer additional visits so that the child feels fully confident in their new environment and ready to learn. In these visits we like to find out as much as we can about the child, their current interests and development. The parents will be asked to complete some paperwork and give as much detail as the child as possible. A transition meeting is also arranged when children have additional needs to gather professionals to establish relationships and discuss needs and development. When children progress and are becoming ready for school we will arrange transition meetings with the school or new setting, parents and all professionals involved. We will share information about the child’s needs and work with the school to ensure they can fully prepared to support your child’s needs. If required we will work with all professionals to prepare and submit Educational Health Care plans (EHC) to ensure the appropriate support is in place for your child. (EHC plans are not guaranteed, applications will be made if professionals feel this high level of support is needed in school. A panel will assess the evidence shared and they will decide if the child needs and EHC plan).

How are you/staff trained in extra needs?

Our SENCO has received all appropriate training to support her role and regularly attended refresher training and network meetings to update her knowledge. Any new requirements are shared with practitioners and parents and embedded into practice when supporting all children. The SENCO has also completed Solihul and WELCOMM training. The SENCO will also ensure that all staff have received any training required when supporting children with additional needs and support them in their ongoing role as key person. We also have staff members trained in ELKLAN speech and language training, Supporting children with additional languages, autism awareness and visual strategies training.

What is your policy on compliments, complaints, concerns?

Each term we collect feedback from parents who are asked to complete a parent’s questionnaire. We ask parents to rate us on different aspects of our service and ask parents to make suggestions for future improvements. Suggestions are added to our development plans and acted on in a timely manner. Our findings are displayed in the entrance so that all visitors can see how parents rate us and what our plans are. We try our very best to ensure that everyone is satisfied with our provision but do expect that from time to time parents may have concerns or complaints. We ask parents to express any concerns with practitioners as they arise so that we can act on them immediately. If concerns remain the manager will become involved and a full investigation will be done and acted upon immediately. Parents who still have concerns or feel they have not been acted on have the right to report complaints to OFSTED.
Updated: 10/12/2018