Chadderton, OL9

Contact phone

07879 184 742

Contact email
Ofsted URN: 2800627

Ofsted rating

Awaiting first inspection


3 months — 14 year olds

Opening times

Monday to Friday 7.30am - 6pm

Cost details

Per day: £50

Free childcare possible for 2 year olds


Free childcare possible for 3/4 year olds


Takes childcare vouchers?


School drop-off/pick-up

Whitegate End Primary and Nursery School


Registered for 30 hours free childcare

Before School = £6.50
After School = £7.50
Includes drink and snack 

Holiday care for over 5's 
9am - 3pm  = £25
7.30am - 6pm  = £35 

Packed lunch required 

Special diets offered

On discussion with Parents

Provides for different cultural needs


How do you identify special educational needs and disabilities?

I would identify by having good partnership working with parents to help identify any needs already being displayed. Trusting my own knowledge and capabilities when ‘baselining and tracking’ a childs progress within the EYFS. I will use my training and knowledge of SEND needs and use this well to identify any needs that may become apparent. I will get to know all of children well enough to identify any needs as early as possible.

How do you involve parents/carers?

I will always endevour to have the best professional relationships with all my parents. From the beginning I want all my parents to feel comfortable so that if difficult conversations ever need to be had I can do this in a way that helps parents/carers. I will discuss any concerns straight from the start and always be open and honest. I will also ask the parents if they have any concerns themselves or if behaviours/learning is the same at home or different. I will show evidence of my concerns and any milestones/gaps not being reached within the EYFS and discuss ways to support further. This will be done in a confidential manor and face to face.

How do you support a child’s learning and development?

I will work closely with you and share everything we have been doing here and anything that I find your child likes to engage with most. I will pick up on learning styles and any schemas that may present and help you with activities to do at home to support these. I will also partnership work with early help teams to offer support for you. You can always track your childs learning via the online learning app also.

How do you meet a child’s educational needs?

Just with any child I look after, each child is treated as an individual with differing needs that need to be met. I will use the EFYS and my knowledge to support your child in all areas of learning aswell as their emotional well – being. All activities will adapted to suit your childs individual needs. Each child is unique and needs something doing a little bit different to the next and that is my job to always ensure I provide that. I will continue to partnership work with you and Early help for support and guidance and update my own training wherever needed to make sure I always give my best to support each child. This will all be reflected within your childs learning log and next steps that you can view at any time.

How do we know my child is achieving agreed outcomes?

I aim to have a great working partnership with all my parents and I will always keep you updated on all progress made of your child. Aswell as this you will be able to access your childs learning goals and needs via the online learning app. You can contact me at any time and I will also arrange meetings where and if needed to have more in depth discussions around your child.

How do you adapt for a child with extra needs?

Again as previously stated each child is an individual. All activities can be adapted for each child depending on their needs. Everything in my setting is accessible for all children and using my skills and knowledge I will always adapt activities and/or provide new resources to support your child.

How accessible is your service, outside and inside?

My indoor environment is easily accessible with open free flowing space as well as a downstairs toilet. The garden itself is also mostly flat surface, however, I do have two steps leading into my back garden as well as a step leading into my home. There is easy access to the back garden around the side of my home through a secure gate.

How do you involve children in outings and trips?

Risk assessments will be made for all types of play and outings to ensure that every child can benefit and take part. I can provide wetsuits/pants if needed for your child to be on the floor outside so they can still explore like everyone else. I have floor level sand pits ect outside and can provide additional equipment if needed. Every child will be included in all trips after permissions gained and trip planned and risk assessed ahead of time.

How do you work with other organisations?

I will always work closely with outside agencies where needed to provide additional help and support for me, the parent and the child. If a child requires that support whilst at my setting I would liase with professionals to come at a time that suits everyone. I believe having a strong partnership working network is key for everyone involved.

How do you support children when they start and leave?

When a place is required at the setting, I always offer a ‘look around,’ here you can really get the feel for not only my setting but also myself. After this I will provide at least a weeks worth of settling dependant on the child and parents availability. I also try to be as flexible as possible with this. I will aim to get to know you and your child as much as possible within that week. Asking for key information as well as observing your child. From here I will then baseline your child within the EYFS giving them a starting point which will then be tracked throughout their time here, taking us to the point where your child is ready move on and transition. At this time I will create and end of place assessment and transition form ready for you to take with your child onto their next setting.

How are you/staff trained in extra needs?

I and any other staff I may take will access training provided by Oldham council and keep this updated at all times.

What is your policy on compliments, complaints, concerns?

Any concerns or complaints as stated in the complaints policy you will receive when your child starts will clearly state what actions to take. This is accessible to you at all times via the online learning app. Always be open and honest no matter what the concern. We can all always improve but if you are unhappy at any point, please put your complaint in writing and forward them onto OFSTED. Any feedback is welcomed and compliments are always kindly accepted and can be given in any way you feel necessary. Verbally, on my social media pages or on the form of a card maybe.
Updated: 04/12/2024