We strongly suggest contacting the service or activity before you use it. This way you can check all the details are correct and that everything is right for you. Please remember to ask staff to show you that relevant insurance is in place and staff qualifications are up to date.
Specialised visual art club for young people with disabilities
A specialised visual arts club for learning disabled people aged 8 to 25 from across Greater Manchester.

Referral details

Referals are not necessary and parents/ carers or young people themselves can contact us by calling the phone numbers or emailing the email address provided. From there we would invite the young person and their parent or carer to come and have a look around the studio when a session is happening. Then we would discuss the young persons interests, what they would like to learn at Venture Arts and look at placing them in an appropriate class.
Venture Arts, 43 Old Birley Street, Manchester, M15 5RF

Venue notes

We are located next to the new Manchester Metropolitan University building on Old Birley Street in the Work for Change building. On the other side of us is Kim By The Sea cafe and across the road is Hulme community garden centre. Bus routes: From Manchester city centre, the number 86 bus stops approximately 50 metres away from Venture Arts (just before Asda in Hulme).

Contact phone

0161 232 1223

Contact email



From 8 to 25 years old

Opening times

Saturday 10am - 12.30pm Wednesday 3.30pm - 6pm. We only close for 2 weeks at Easter and 2 weeks at Christmas


Fun and engaging workshops for learning disabled children and young people aged 8-25 years. Our weekly Young People’s Art Club sessions are fully accessible and designed for individuals.

Young artists get the opportunity to make new friends and explore a variety of creative skills across long-term projects. Areas covered include photography, film, animation, illustration, ceramics and textiles.

The team nurture creative talent by tailoring sessions over long-term projects to match individual need and interests.

As part of this programme, young people show their work in exhibitions at professional art venues such as The Lowry at Salford Quays.

Click here for more information

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Updated: 13/07/2023