We strongly suggest contacting the service or activity before you use it. This way you can check all the details are correct and that everything is right for you. Please remember to ask staff to show you that relevant insurance is in place and staff qualifications are up to date.
Private tuition
48 Bottom O'th Moor, Oldham, OL4 1JZ (situated just off Huddersfield Road)

Contact phone

07592 070 818
Ofsted URN: 2750617

Ofsted rating

Awaiting first inspection


From 5 to 16 years old

Opening times

Saturday and Sunday 12pm - 6pm

Cost details

Contact Provider for session costs

Takes childcare vouchers?



Reduction for siblings

Updated: 07/09/2023
Bottom O'th Moor, Oldham, OL4 1JZ

Local Offer

Ofsted judgement: Awaiting first inspection