Information and resources
Help children see themselves in a positive light.


We are on a mission to help children see themselves in a positive light. In a world that fills children with pressure and insecurity, we want to be that kind voice telling children they are enough.

Much of a child's self esteem is formulated in the early years by parents, siblings, friends, teachers, and even the media. By using these affirmations in early parenting / teaching we can help our children to build the mental strength they will need in life, to survive and thrive. Healthy self-esteem helps children to feel positive about themselves and their lives. It equips them with the confidence to deal with life's ups and downs.

In today's world where mental health issues and bullying are rife among school children and adolescents, it is more important than ever to make sure we send our children out into the world with their cups full.

A way to help equip children with the language and structure to talk about their experiences in a positive way

You can find more information about the cards here.

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Updated: 21/04/2023