A guide for new fathers
A guide to help men navigate their personal journeys into fatherhood. Accessible to all.




Becoming Dad is for expectant and new fathers, by the Fatherhood Institute and Mental Health Foundation.

There is a real lack of well-written, evidence-based information designed specifically to help men navigate their personal journeys into fatherhood. This matters not just for the men themselves, but for the women who love them, and the babies they will father.

Becoming Dad is a guide we have created to fill the gap – helping men make sense of what’s happening to them; look after themselves and the others around them; and do the best possible job of becoming a confident father.

Find out more by downloading our 2021/22 Training Brochure or contact our Head of Training, Jeszemma Garratt at j.garratt@fatherhoodinstitute.org, tel 0791 786 4130.

Find out more about contacting the Fatherhood Institute by clicking here 

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Updated: 25/04/2023