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Becoming a mum is a wonderful experience, but it also means some big changes, and there is a lot to take in. We’ve put together some resources to help you prepare to welcome your new little family member.

Your baby’s skin is different from yours — it needs extra special care. Learn why your baby’s skin is so important and how best to care for it.

When it comes to bathtime, your baby has special needs. Learn how to wash your baby safely and effectively while engaging their senses and growing the bond the two of you share.

Touch & massage can really help you to bond with your baby, along with several other important developmental benefits. Take a look at our helpful massage guides to get you started.

Your baby’s sleeping habits will change as they grow. Sometimes they will sleep a lot, sometimes, not so much. You can help your baby get the sleep they need, and get more sleep yourself, by learning how to establish a good nighttime routine early on.

Changing your baby’s nappy is an important skill you’ll get the hang of after the first few days with your baby, since you’ll change their nappy very frequently.

Playtime is more than just having fun with your little one. It’s a wonderful way to learn to communicate and bond with your baby while engaging their senses in a whole new way—helping to further nurture their happy, healthy development.

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Updated: 08/06/2023