Support and advice group
24 hour helpline. Offers emotional support and help for families and friends bereaved by murder or manslaughter. Home visits can be arranged.
L&DC, Tally Ho!, Pershore Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B5 7RN

Contact phone

0121 472 2912 (call) or 07342 888570 (text)

Contact email


Any age

Opening times

24 hour helpline.


SAMM is a national UK Charity supporting families bereaved by Murder and Manslaughter. We also provide advice and training to many agencies on issues relevant to the traumatically bereaved. We are a 24 hour helpline.

 Please note our database of members is absolutely confidential and will not be revealed to anyone. Do not feel you are alone, you will talk to people who will care for you, and understand your grief, all our SAMM volunteers are themselves bereaved as a result of homicide.

Use our online support forum for more information:

Find us on Facebook and Twitter



Updated: 23/08/2023