We strongly suggest contacting the service or activity before you use it. This way you can check all the details are correct and that everything is right for you. Please remember to ask staff to show you that relevant insurance is in place and staff qualifications are up to date.
Games, hobbies, social and skills group for people with special needs
Social activities and skills activities for young adults with special needs
Bank Top Tavern, 1 King Street, Oldham, OL8 1ES

Contact phone

07977 075 998


From 18 to 70 years old

Opening times

Sunday 1pm - 4pm

Cost details

£3 for Members and Free for carers


"Pub of Fun" (Disco - Karaoke - Pool - Live Acts) every Sunday

AMBITIONS is an independent and self-funding not-for-profit community group primarily staffed by volunteers.

It provides both social activities (Discos, social club, sports activities etc.), if you want a hot sandwich it will be £1.50.

Improving skills activities (reading, IT, money recognition etc.) to young adults with learning and physical disabilities.

It was originally started by Jonathan Griffiths-Barnes and a few volunteers who organised THEMED DISCOs once every fortnight at a town centre pub because young people with physical and learning difficulties wanted to socialise and do activities in ordinary places, just as most members of the community would be doing.

Members come with carers, family and friends integrating both able bodied and those with disabilities.

Ambitions run a number of activities so please follow us on Facebook

Updated: 04/12/2023