We strongly suggest contacting the service or activity before you use it. This way you can check all the details are correct and that everything is right for you. Please remember to ask staff to show you that relevant insurance is in place and staff qualifications are up to date.
Great way to get active
St Barnabas Church Hall, Arundel Street, Oldham, OL4 1NL

Contact phone

07872 187 397


All ages


B's Diamonds are an Oldham based competing dance troupe looking for new recruits welcoming boys and girls into our ever growing family.

Looking for a hobby and like to dance, then we are here come along and have a look, see what we do, lots of fun and laughter

Family travel to competitions throughout the summer months all over the Northwest in our own transport

  • All ages and ability are welcome
  • Compete with Teams across the North West
  • Weekly training sessions
  • Teams ranging from babies to seniors
  • Great way to get active

Follow us on....


Updated: 05/12/2023