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This new book and linked online course is aimed at parents with a new baby.
Revised and updated with inputs from the Greater Manchester Perinatal, Parent and Infant Mental Health Services.


This course aims to help parents:

  • Discover how to enjoy their baby and life as a parent.
  • Build a close bond and attachment with their child.
  • Maintain links to other important people and activities in their life.

Teaches 15 changes to help you and your baby feel better:

1. Enjoy being with each other - building attachment
2. Discover Story time together
3. Relax - using the effective Tension control training approach
4. Set up a routine that works for you and your baby
5. Spend time with people you like
6. Get going physically
7. Looking after you - setting up You Time each day
8. Being happy and healthy
9. The Happy list - focusing on things that have lifted you up
10. Playing thought detective
11. Looking at things more helpfully
12. Improve your sleep when everything is a juggle
13. Ask for what you need (assertiveness)
14.1,2 3 Breathe (overcoming irritability and anger)
15. How to fix almost everything (problem solving).

Updated: 06/12/2023