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Sign Language Training Courses
Making sign language more accessible for adults and children
46 Fourth Avenue, Oldham, OL8 3RZ

Contact phone

07732 802 437 or 07538 082 895


5 years and over

Opening times

Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm

Cost details

Depending on the course and if for individuals or a group of people.


Hands to communicate deliver deaf awareness training to businesses and organisations.

We also deliver high standard British Sign Language (BSL) training.

The BSL courses range from short BSL courses (Entry level three) to more advanced levels such as Level One & Level Two British Sign Language training, click here

We also provide specialist training which can be designed specifically for your organisation.

We have been delivering BSL since 2008 in adult education, secondary schools, primary schools, nurseries and organisations.

Updated: 21/07/2023