Christmas Hours

Check when Council Services will be closing over this Christmas period.

Christmas hours

What is the Graduated Response?

This short video explains what we mean by a graduated response. 

Where children and young people are identified as having SEND, then their educational settings should act to put effective provision in place.

This is known as SEN Support and should take the form of a “4-part cycle” of assess, plan, do, review, which is referred to as the Graduated Response in Oldham, but is sometimes also known as the Graduated Approach.

This should ensure there is an understanding of the Children and Young People needs, that outcomes are identified to meet these needs and that support is put in place to ensure the Children and Young People are making good progress towards those outcomes.

This is called the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle. You can find out more about this approach:

Working with your child's setting - What to expect