Christmas Hours

Check when Council Services will be closing over this Christmas period.

Christmas hours

You can report anti-social behaviour to the Community Safety Team: 

  • Email:
  • Phone: 0161 770 1573

Housing Providers

If you are a tenant of a registered housing provider, or if the person whom you are complaining about is a tenant of a registered housing provider then please contact them directly:

Jigsaw Homes:                              0300 111 1133 or 0300 011 1144           

Get in touch - Jigsaw Homes Group                      

Onward:                                        0300 555 0600                                        

Contact Us | Onward           

First Choice Homes:                     0161 393 7117 then choose option 4     

Ways to contact us - First Choice Homes Oldham (

Great Places:                                0300 123 1966                                        

Contact us - Great Places

Guinness Northern Counties:        0303 123 1890                                        

Contact us - The Guinness Partnership                                             

Housing 21:                                   0370 192 4000                                        

Housing 21 - Housing 21 - Contact us

Places For People:                        01772 667 002                                        

Contact Places for People Homes - Places for People

Regenda:                                       0344 736 0066                                        

Contact us | Regenda Homes

ForHousing:                                   0300 123 5522                                        

How to contact us - ForHousing

Criminal Activity

If the issues relate to criminal matters i.e. drug dealing, criminal damage, threats of violence, or actual violence, then please contact Greater Manchester Police:

  • GM Police website
  • 101 (Please use the online portal above if possible so as not to overwhelm the Emergency Services)
  • 999 (If you are or another at immediate risk of harm)
  • Crimestoppers website
  • or call 0800 555 111

Noise Nuisance

You can report noise nuisance online:

Concerned about a vulnerable adult or child

If you suspect a person is at immediate risk of harm call 999 and speak to the Police.

You can contact the MASH from 8:40am – 5:00pm on Monday – Friday.