Christmas Hours

Check when Council Services will be closing over this Christmas period.

Christmas hours

3. Invoices help

A sundry invoice is for miscellaneous charges raised by Oldham Council for various services it provides.

It excludes the Council's mainstream debts e.g. Council Tax and Business Rates.

Examples of sundry invoices include:

  • Trade Waste Services
  • Commercial rents and ground rents
  • Building Regulation Inspection Fees
  • Accommodation charges and care for the elderly
  • Work in Default of Statutory Notice
  • Rent of Land/Garage charges
  • Unpaid dinner monies

In addition to sundry charges for services, miscellaneous invoices are also raised when certain entitlements are overpaid e.g. overpayment of salaries.

Paying invoices

Invoices are due and payable on receipt - details of how to pay your invoice are found on the reverse of the invoice.

All Oldham Council invoices are subject to recovery action if they are not paid on time.

This recovery action follows a set procedure, laid down by the Council.

Recovery action can be avoided by paying the invoice on time or discussing a suitable payment arrangement with the Credit Control Team

Having trouble paying?

If you have difficulty paying, it might be possible to arrange to pay your invoice by instalments.

Contact with the Credit Control team as soon as possible to make an arrangement.

For advice about debt and managing money see:

Disputing an invoice

If you disagree with any aspect of the invoice you should contact the service provider (their phone number/email address is on the invoice under 'Invoice Enquiries'.)

If you have trouble contacting the service provider, you can contact the Credit Control team.


Late payment of an invoice or default on an agreed payment arrangement will result in the Council's recovery procedures being followed, which includes the issue of recovery letters.

If the invoice remains outstanding or the agreed payment arrangement is not kept to, this will result in further recovery action being taken against you, including, additional court costs and fees being incurred.

Request a copy of your invoice

Contact the Credit Control Team for a copy of your invoice.

The team will issue the copy by the next working day. Copies can be sent by post or email.


If you believe you have overpaid an invoice, you should contact the Credit Control Team (have your invoice number handy).

Once the team has verified the overpayment as a true credit, they will arrange a refund via bacs.

Credit notes

If an invoice has been issued incorrectly or you have been overcharged, the original invoice is corrected by the issue of a credit note. If the credit note means the invoice has been overpaid you will be contacted so a refund can be arranged via bacs.