Baby Bonding is 6 week course for parents of babies from 28 weeks conception to up to 1 year (providing baby is still non mobile) to learn about how they can develop a strong bond and build a relationship with their baby from before they are born and through the early stages of their life.
Each hour long session will help parents learn about their baby's brain development and ways to understand and communicate with their baby through fun activities. It's particularly helpful if parents are feeling anxious or worried about their new baby.
Please complete this referral form to tell us that you are interested in a place on the course and a member of the Oldham Parenting Team will contact you shortly to discuss a place.
Information shared in this form is covered by the Oldham Council Privacy Policy. Please click the following link to see how information could be used by the 0-19 Integrated Children and Families Service. If you are making a referral on behalf of a parent please also direct them to this policy and ensure they are aware of how information could be used.