What better way to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee than with a traditional street party in your local community?

Over the last few months, we’ve had hundreds of residents get in touch with us to organise celebrations in their own neighbourhoods, and we’ve been really keen to support their plans.

So as part of this, the council has provided grants worth £250 to more than 230 street parties across the borough to mark the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in style over the extended Bank Holiday weekend.

You can read more on this story here:

Are you still planning your Jubilee street party?

We know party planning can be hectic, so to help you with your plans, we’ve put a few important bits together in a checklist to ensure you haven’t forgotten everything.


Risk assessment

Complete a risk assessment form – you don’t need to send these to us:

Food, drink and entertainment 

Organise food, drink, decorations and entertainment 


Our events team has prepared some guidance on hosting a street party and there is further advice on the gov.uk and HSE websites

Traffic and road closures

If you requested a road closure, legal documentation will be drafted to support the road closure to accommodate your street party.

If safe to do so, please block the road using your wheelie bins or park a vehicle to safely block the road.

Only use a vehicle if the person driving is planning to stay sober and can safely manoeuvre the vehicle into an adequate position.

The blockade should be easily removable in case emergency services require access the area.

Bouncy castles

If you are planning to hire a bouncy castle for your event, please do so from a reputable company and make sure it is inflated, anchored, and used according to their advice.

Check that test and adequate public liability insurance certificates are current and nominate a responsible person to be in charge throughout.

Bouncy castles are not permitted on council land.

The HSE advises that inflatable equipment is tested under the ‘PIPA’ scheme. 

Licensing of alcohol

A temporary events license is required if you are intending to sell alcohol at your party.

Please note that the Council grant cannot be used to purchase alcohol.  

Bin collections

Bins are due to be collected as normal, on Thursday 2 June and Friday 3 June. If you're having a street party - please make sure they're accessible for crews.

On the day 

  • Ensure all residents move their cars 
  • Decorate your street but please don’t attach any bunting or equipment to street lighting columns as this can cause damage.
  • Set up your road closure barriers, tables, chairs, games 
  • Have fun!