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Whether you’re a veteran hiker or a novice, the Oldham Way offers something for everyone.

Those with experience and a sense of adventure can comfortably navigate all of its highs and lows in a couple of days, while families and those new to its tracks might want to explore one of the seven recommended routes.

Ken Smith from the Peak and Northern Footpath Society says one of the best ways to get people walking is to break it up to make it manageable.

“If you’re starting from scratch, find the nicest place or a good location on a route and just try a small section,” he says. “Just taste the Oldham Way rather than doing the whole thing, then come back another day and do the other half. That’s the easiest way to get people out there.”

One of his top tips is to get public transport to the farthest point of the route then walk back towards home.

The video below is an overview of the 40 mile Oldham Way route, undertaken by Andrew Holden.

Whatever your experience level, remember to wear decent footwear, carry water, keep dogs on a lead and check the weather forecast - particularly on the routes that take you high up on the moors.

Oldham Way Suggested Walks

Take a look at some of the favourite routes and walks around Dove Stone Reservoir, Dunwood Park, Diggle and many more. We have included a link to the All Routes app, which has a live feed of weather updates, alternative walks and routes, plus an opportunity to engage with other walkers and photographers.

Have look and get into the great outdoors.

Suggested walks