Christmas Hours

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Christmas hours
Fireworks Published: Tuesday, 25th June 2024

Oldham Council and Greater Manchester Police are working closely with community partners in response to complaints about nuisance fireworks.

The local authority and GMP have recently received reports from across the borough about fireworks being let off at all hours of the night.

Sadly this is an issue across the country, not just in Oldham – but the local authority and GMP staff are committed to reducing the problems associated with them, including noise, littering, and anti-social behaviour.

Our response includes:

  • Enhanced licensing checks at shops, including extra visits. Anyone found to be breaching existing laws will be dealt with accordingly.
  • Visiting venues known to use fireworks to remind them of the rules and ensuring that they are aware of their responsibilities.
  • Mapping out known hotspots to ensure that they are regularly monitored by officers or the appropriate authorities.
  • Establishing a single point of contact for fireworks complaints, in order to help build a clearer intelligence picture.
  • Engaging with local schools, to remind young people of the risks that come with firework usage.

Fireworks are legal and noise is inevitable, especially at certain times of the year, including Bonfire Night.

However, when the noise is persistent and at unsociable hours, council staff and GMP officers will investigate and act where possible.

An Oldham Council spokesman said: “We are aware of the issues fireworks are having locally and we appreciate and understand the frustrations of residents.

“Rest assured we taking the issue seriously and work is already underway with our partners, including GMP and Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service to address it.

“We’ll be inspecting businesses which sell fireworks to make sure they are sticking to the law and we’ll act if they aren’t.

“Last year we ordered a number of wedding venues to stop using fireworks after we received complaints – and we will do that again if it is required.

Superintendent Phillip Hutchinson, from GMP’s Oldham district, said: “Once we receive reports of nuisance fireworks, we appropriately assess the incidents and ensure those involved are acting within the confines of the law.

“While some may think that fireworks can be harmless fun, others can be distressed by the problems that can ensure from their use: noise, litter, and anti-social behaviour.

“In addition to taking a strong stance on making sure fireworks are used properly, our school engagement officers actively work with the youth in our community in order to highlight the risks.

“I would ask anyone with any issues or concerns to continue to raise them with us or the council in order to aid us with our plan to tackle such anti-social behaviour.”

If fireworks are being let off between 11pm and 7am and outside of specific occasions listed under the Fireworks Regulations Act 2004, please report this to GMP by calling 101, or calling Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111. You can also share information online at

If someone is persistently letting off fireworks on their property during the permitted times of 7am and 11pm, and a resident feels it is causing a nuisance, they can report this to Oldham Council’s Environmental Health team by emailing


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