Christmas Hours

Check when Council Services will be closing over this Christmas period.

Christmas hours

5. Week 4 - Friday

Age 2–3

If you can, print and play the ‘Room on the Broom’ pairs game. Talk about the characters, using repetitive phrases throughout the game such as “your turn”, “my turn” and “turn over”. Start a phrase and pause for your child to carry on if they can for example, “It’s the…”.

Hide the characters around the house for a treasure hunt or make a simple lotto board.

Age 3–4

If you can, print the ‘Room on the Broom’ finger puppets. You can each be a character or have one on each finger. See if your child can recall the story and remember the order.

Use language such as “first”, “then” and “at the end”. Talk about what the characters say in the story. Your child may need you to model the ideas, but talk about the character’s feelings.

Age 4–5

Enjoy part two of the dance routine.

After the session, recap some of the vocabulary such as “wide”, “wobbly”, “high” and  “low”.

Talk about how the music sets the scene and how it makes you feel.