We are committed to working in partnership with early education providers to ensure high quality services are being delivered in all settings across the borough.

Oldham’s ‘Quality Improvement Support and Intervention Framework,’ draws on the continuous quality improvement principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework and the NQIPs. The framework focuses on promoting an ongoing cycle of continuous improvement through robust self-evaluation and reflective practice.

Our Vision for early years and childcare in Oldham which drives this strategy is:

  • All settings and schools will share a common intention to work together and with the local authority to develop and share good practice, address under-performance and support schools and settings which are experiencing challenging circumstances
  • All settings and schools will take shared responsibility for improving the outcomes of all children in the borough
  • The quality of provision and practice will enable all young children to have the best possible start in early years, ensuring they are ready for school and able to achieve to their full potential at all key stages.

Our Values to achieve this vision and for outcomes to be the highest quality we must:

  • Ensure that children and families are at the heart of everything we do
  • Gather evidence and intelligence on performance and quality to inform effective resource deployment.
  • Encourage collaboration and co-construction by promoting success and sharing highly effective practice in order to develop improved systems and strategies for setting to setting improvement.
  • Monitor the performance of all providers delivering early years and childcare settings with a focus on outcomes for children.
  • Challenge and intervene where poor quality standards and underperformance is identified.

The council has worked in collaboration with early education providers and key partners to develop a range of quality improvement tools to support this process including:

  • Safeguarding toolkit
  • Child Assessment and Progress (CHAPs) toolkit.
  • New providers induction programme  -  introducing ‘conditions of grant ’ and local systems and processes

Appendix 1: EYC prevention (RI) protocal
Appendix 2: EYC intervention (I) protocal
Appendix 3: FIP requires improvement
Appendix 4: FIP inadequate
Quality improvement support and intervention programme