Christmas Hours

Check when Council Services will be closing over this Christmas period.

Christmas hours

Local Authorities are required to have a SENIF to provide support to 3 and 4-year-olds with lower-level or emerging SEN (Special Educational Needs).

We have worked collaboratively with partners and wider organisations to develop the Inclusion Framework and The Graduated Response Toolkit. Most children with Special educational needs will have their needs met through the universal provision, the Inclusion Framework, and the graduated response toolkit. These are local developments aimed at supporting effective early identification, intervention and inclusion across the Oldham Education system.

In addition to the development work, we provide a range of professional development opportunities to build capacity within the early years' workforce and build practitioner confidence to meet the various needs of children. This has included training and support through:

  • Elklan
  • Better Communication team
  • Achieving Early Programme
  • Leuven’s Wellbeing and Involvement Scale

Oldham Early Years Inclusion Framework and the Graduated Response Toolkit further support early years settings to deliver quality first teaching, provision, and practice to all children accessing early years education. The toolkits provide information about the provision and practice that should be ‘ordinarily available' to all children

Funding award April 23 – March 24

All early years group providers will receive SENIF using the following formula.

Lump Sum Award - £1200

Enhancement – This is an additional payment based on the number of 2, 3- and 4-year-old children recorded as being on SEN support in the January 2023 Early Years Census.

Cohort of children recorded as SEN support in EY census 2023

Amount of enhancement

1-5 children


6-10 children


11+ children


Payment of the Grant

The funding will be issued in two equal payments on receipt of your grant acceptance form. Payments will be made as follows

First Payment (50%) – on receipt of the signed grant acceptance form

Second Payment (50%) - Processed Week beginning 4 December