Unoccupied and unfurnished properties

The Council does not provide a discount for unoccupied and unfurnished properties.

Long-term empty properties that have been unoccupied and unfurnished for a continuous period, shall be charged the following premiums, increasing the Council Tax charge whilst it remains in such a condition.

  • Additional 100% for those properties which have been empty for 12 months or.
  • Additional 200% for those properties which have been empty for 5 years and over.
  • Additional 300% for those properties which have been empty for 10 years and over.

This affects properties that are unoccupied and substantially unfurnished and not eligible for a Council Tax exemption.

The costs are shown in the table below

Length of time empty

Up to 31 March 2023

From  1 April   2024

Over 12 Months

100% charge

200% charge

Over 2 years

200% charge

200% charge

Over 5 years

300% charge

300% charge

Over 10 years

400% charge

400% charge

Major Structural Repairs

If your property is empty and requires major repair work to render it habitable or is undergoing structural alteration, you may be entitled to claim a 50% discount for a maximum of 12 months


If you feel you are eligible for a discount, please complete the online Council Tax discount form:

Discount form for property in need of major repairs